Wednesday 30 December 2009


In response to the hippies over at the NSIDC I announce the formation of the Non-National Snow and Ice Data Centre (NNSIDC).

The operational mission of the NNSIDC is to claim the Polar Opposite of whatever the NSIDC is claiming.

We kick off with NSIDC's Alarmist December 7th 2009 report concerning arctic sea ice conditions in November 2009. As chairman and sole member of the NNSIDC, I have rewriten the NSIDC report almost word for word, but removing all the fear to create a less biased report.

December 7th 2009

In November, the average rate of Arctic sea ice growth defied manmade global warming fears by growing rapidly faster than normal, threatening the all too real possibility of an ice age. Possibly by May.

However, at the end of the month, some regions, in particular the Barents Sea and Hudson was about this time that ClimateGate happened! Have you seen the emails? Whistleblown from warmist computers! Can you believe it? The science is all based on a lie!

Anyway back to the arctic ice situation.

Overview of conditions

Arctic sea ice extent averaged over November 2009 was 10.26 million square kilometers (3.96 million square miles). This was 420,000 square kilometers (160,000 square miles) above November 2006. In general, the ice edge is now largely beyond its average location. So much for global warming.

Conditions in context

By November, much of the Arctic is in complete or near complete darkness. Air temperatures fall dramatically and sea ice grows rapidly. This is worryingly similar to what happens at the onset of an ice age. During November 2009, extent grew at an average 82,000 square kilometers per day (32,000 square miles per day). The rate of increase in sea ice extent has accelerated at an alarming pace! If this keeps up for another year the whole world will be covered in ice.

November 2009 compared to past years

In November 2009 emails and data were whistleblown to produce ClimateGate. Past years did not see this happen.

ice growth: a tale of two regions

Both Hudson Bay and the Barents Sea have experienced a freeze-up this fall. However, the rate of sea ice growth in the two regions probably resulted from different processes, highlighting the complex interactions between the sea ice, atmosphere and ocean. In the Barents Sea, the rate of ice growth was affected by winds that pushed the ice northwards into the very cold central Arctic, while temperatures contributed to the rate of ice growth in Hudson Bay.

The Barents Sea is the deepest of the Arctic coastal seas. It is open on its southern and northern boundaries, allowing winds and currents to move sea ice in and out of the region. In November, southerly winds built up between an area of high pressure over Siberia and low pressure in the northern Atlantic Ocean, in accordance with Buys Ballot's Law. The winds transported air and water from the south, and pushed the ice edge out of the Barents Sea.

Related post
Arctic Sea Ice: Staggering Growth


  1. As a budding blog scientist myself, I have to point out a staggering numerical error that even Inferno hasn't picked up on!

    As we're all aware, there are about 1.6 kilometers in every mile. So how the hell can 10.26 million kilometers of ice be 3.96 million miles!? The maths just doesn't add up!

    Now, ordinarily I'd oppose the metric as much as possible; if it ain't broke don't fix it, but clearly the 'decline' is because of this dodgy maths! Warmists think no-one will notice they're fiddling the figures and the drop from 14 million km to just 4 million miles WONT BE NOTICED AS FRAUD. WELL I'VE GOT NEWS FOR YOU!

  2. Stu:

    It is square kilometers, not kilometers. The conversion is ~2.6 square kilometers per square mile.

    conversion guy

  3. 'conversion guy'

    A mile, and indeed a kilometer, are measures of length. They can't possibly be square! What is needed is a measure of area, such as acres. How many acres of ice are there? That, I feel, the masses could understand!

  4. Using weird units like square kilometers can create mistakes like the one which caused the loss of the mars probe. It is best to stick to something standard and well known. 10.26 square kilometers is almost exactly 2 billion american football fields.

  5. This morning there was snow falling down on the back yard and when I took the puppies out to pee, they did not like it. The walked backwards and whined. I had to sing a lot of songs featured in Pulp Fiction until they finally pooped, it was cold and boring.

    Al Gore never had this problem, that's why he invented Global Warming and the intertubes.

  6. Baron von Monckhofen1 January 2010 at 08:51

    Where I live, we have a thick snow cover, and it is continuing to grow. Irrefutable proof of an impending ice age!

    The alarmist-fascists will of course reply: "It is because it is winter, stupid!" But there is one thing they haven't though about in their ivory towers where they giggle like little girls at us common-sense blog scientists: the winter solstice has already passed, about ten days ago. The earth's axis is tilting back into its upright position again. Hence, it should be getting warmer! But it is not!

    Irrefutable proof that the AGW models are all completely wrong, and that AGW is a religion just like the Baal cult of ancient Carthago!

    Una hirundo non facit ver

  7. Sledgehammer for the truth3 January 2010 at 19:21

    Did someone mention hippies and snow? Let 'em live in an igloo's what I say.

    Jesus to Mergatroid these sombiches get my systolic up. Fortunately there's tequila.

  8. A kilometer is an athiest unit anyway. Where in the Bible are kilometers mentioned?

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