Wednesday 28 November 2012

The Disputed Cause of Rising CO2

Just a few years ago your eyes would have literally burned out from looking directly at this image. Today it is safe only because the Ice Age is coming.

There has been a recent upsurge of interest in denying humans are causing CO2 levels to rise. To help I thought I would type a quick cheat sheet for aspiring climate deniers.

Things That Must Not Be Blamed For Rising CO2
  1. Human fossil fuel emissions
Things That Can Be Blamed Instead
  1. Mauna Loa. A Big Volcano where scientists deliberately measure CO2.
  2. Underwater Volcanoes. Scientists admit they haven't even found Atlantis yet so how can they possibly know how many CO2 spewing volcanoes are underwater?
  3. Global Warming. Ice cores show the CO2 rise is caused by warming (remember to temporarily accept the validity of ice cores and the global temperature records).
  4. ENSO. Same way the Moon causes sea level rise.
  5. The Oceans. The oceans emit vast amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere every year. Just make sure not to mention how much they absorb. 
  6. The Chinese. If the Chinese did it no-one can tax blame us.
  7. Mars. CO2 from Mars's frozen ice caps have melted and are slowly seeping through the aether into Earth's atmosphere.
  8. The Sun. That burning Sun must give off a lot of exhaust fumes.
Why not use a few of these on your favorite blog? Why not use them all? They are all just as good.

Saturday 20 October 2012

A New Theory of Climate

"Stop drinking the Kool Aid and learn how the Earths temperatures are controlled in the Book "Pyramid Gravity Force" available on Amazon, find out how mans penetration in Cheops the great pyramid of Giza, disabled the great pyramid of Giza which controlled the Hawaiian Island volcanic activity. Yes the Giza pyramid was the Earths thermostat until crazy humans broke it, read how the Earth has missed a few crucial mini ice ages and how we have a chance of saving the planet by getting the Giza pyramids back on line. Ancient Geo Engineering is real......And we still have a chance to save planet earth from the masive tectonic plate movement that are coming to blast us all into the stone age. Regardless of why the temperature rises on planet Earth, The pyramids are here to cool the planet down. These Earthquakes are just the beginning................"

Say what you will about the theory, but it makes a hell of a lot more sense to me than Al Gores CO2 Tax Theory. Because they can't stand challenges climate scientists have systematically omitted any discussion of the Pyramid Gravity Force from the IPCC report. The IPCC report's supposedly exhaustive list of climate forcings fails to mention the Pyramid Gravity Forcing. Even though it is a man-made forcing the corrupt IPCC is loathe to accept the idea because it's shadowy puppet-masters can't levy taxes for it. The solution of shutting the Giza pyramid door to fix climate change is too simple and can't be used as an excuse for world government.

The book cover shows "how the gravity beam travels from the Great pyramid of Giza to the Hawaiian Island via ricocheting off of the gravity neutral zone near the solid iron core at the center of the planet."

Makes sense to me. A quick fact check confirms there is an Island in Hawaii so this appears to pass preliminary examination. The Pyramid Gravity Force theory of climate is just one of many equally valid theories of climate that are springing up every day to challenge Mann-made Globebull Warming. They are all just as likely. How confusing. We can't possibly understand how climate works if there are so many competing theories! All theories of climate should be taught in schools as equal and let the children decide which one they want to believe. Maybe turn off the heat in one of the classrooms and tell the kids if they want to believe in Al Gore's theory that warming is bad they will have to sit in the cold room.

Note I am not saying the Pyramid Gravity Forcing theory is necessarily true. All I am seeking to do is to spread doubt and confusion about the cause of climate change under the guise of "exploring different theories" while disassociating myself from the theories I advocate in order to maintain deniability, and no I am not copying WUWT, I thought of this plan myself.

Sunday 30 September 2012

Ice Age Alert: Unprecedented Arctic Sea Ice Freeze In Progress

Arctic Sea Ice Increases Past FOUR MILLION Square Kilometers For The First Time Since Records Began!

Unprecedented 4 MILLION Sqkm Benchmark Smashed!

Never before has Arctic Sea Ice increased from below 4 million square kilometers to above 4 million square kilometers. Will the mainstream media now correct their discredited claims made just a month ago that the Arctic is melting?

IPCC Didn't See It Coming! They Expected Melt! Crisis Meeting with Al Gore.

IPCC big wigs will be in crisis talks with Al Gore tonight as Arctic Sea Ice unexpectedly froze past 4 million square kilometers for the first time in history according to Japanese Data [1]. The new data reveals the Earth to be in a Cooling Mode and undermines Anthropogenic Global Warming, which is revealed to be based on nothing less than the recently discredited Laws of Thermodynamics.

DenialDepot is officially sounding an Ice Age Alert for all Northern Hemisphere countries. In the next 4 months: Expect Colder Temperatures than you've experienced in the last 4 months. If you or your family live in the following countries Be Prepared.
  • United States of America
  • Canada
  • Europe
  • Norway
  • New Zealand
  • USSR
How You Can Prepare For An Ice Age
  • Wrap up Warm.
  • Build a Bunker. 
  • Keep reading Denial Depot for Ice Age Alert updates.
  • Lobby your congressman to reduce taxes and relax regulations on banks and industry.
[1] data source

Saturday 15 September 2012

Ice Age Is Coming

Sea ice is quite topical at the moment. How is sea ice doing?

The Antarctic

Source: Cryosphere Today. University of Illinois

Reliable Antarctic sea ice data indicates that we will have another Catastrophic Ice Age this winter. So much for the proven myth of Global Warming [1]. It's now time to raise the alarm and inform your neighbors and work colleagues that Global Cooling is coming. If we act fast enough we can possibly make sure governments around the world do absolutely nothing.

The Arctic

In contrast nothing remarkable is happening in the Arctic. There's been some melting this summer but that's expected. Arctic Sea Ice melts all the time, it's perfectly normal. For example I remember when the Vikings surfaced a longboat at the North Pole in 1955 and fought a pitched battle with a 15th century Chinese Navy.

Lets start with what we DON'T know. Science is FULL of uncertainties. The uncertainty monster. Like most monsters, the uncertainty monster is a very reassuring thing to have around. To cut to the chase: we know absolutely nothing that could be used to increase taxes. So what DO we know?
  • Preventable Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (PCAGW) is a myth invented by a cabal of New World Order politicians plotting to achieve a communist utopia [1].
  • The world is in a steep Global Cooling trend and heading for another Ice Age this winter.
  • Arctic sea ice is fine. Thick and healthy and highly resistant to the imposition of taxes.
I took a brief look at the Arctic sea ice data and spotted a lot of downward trends had appeared in the data recently. That can only mean systematic fraud. So like any Blog Scientist I had to find something wrong with the data.

Arctic Ice Satellite Fraud Gate

Arctic Ice Satellite Fraud Gate is the catchy name I am giving to the latest scandal involving multiple instances of data manipulation at Cryosphere Today. For those of you who don't know, Cryosphere Today is a source of sea ice data which Alarmists use to claim the Arctic is melting and so cannot be trusted. If I can discredit Cryosphere Today it means the Arctic can't be melting.

Manipulation #1: The Stars Are Aligned

The scientists thought they were being clever when they added the stars to the image. They thought it would make people believe the data was from a real satellite and not concocted in the lab like the rest of their faked science [1]. But like all government IPCC scientists they tried to be too clever and made a mistake. You see unlike me, climate scientists have no knowledge of astrology refuse to work with professional astrologers [1].

This has further implications for climate "science". If the IPCC don't understand the movement of stars, how can they properly represent the strong starlight forcing in their climate models? If they've got the starlight forcing wrong it means that starlight can perhaps explain all of the warming of the 20th century. That is assuming there has been any warming in the 20th century (Phil Jones says no).

Manipulation #2: Arctic Sea Ice In The Red

We all know that Arctic sea ice is naturally a reflective white. So why do the satellite images on Cryosphere Today show that it's red or pink? Is it possible that IPCC scientists have deployed some sort of dye into the Arctic environment (the same environment they claim to want to protect) which turns the ice a red/pink color? This certainly fits with what I've read [1]. It seems there are only two options, either they admit their images are manipulated and the colors have been added in afterwards, or they admit they have sprayed the arctic red for some nefarious purpose.

Red and pink coloration of the ice in almost dye-like patterns. Hmm..

Why would they want to turn the ice red? I never pretend to have all the answers, only that I can obtain them within 24 hours. To this end I have been in deep discussions about this subject with several chemtrail experts and they assure me it would be possible, if not entirely expected, for the government to spray red dyes from jet planes flying over the Arctic ("Exactly where no-one is around to see them doing it", one expert told me). As for the motive, I am sure it's an attempt to melt the arctic to fit the IPCC's failed predictions. Everyone knows the color red is associated with heat (except when it's used to highlight the spot of interest in mineral promotions), so the dye is probably hot. If the Arctic does melt: just remember the scientists probably did it with their chemtrails and it wasn't CO2 and so taxes are unnecessary.

Manipulation #3: No Clouds

Having decided to poison the Arctic with red dyes and photo-shop fake stars into an image, it's perhaps not surprising that climate "scientists" would take the next step of entirely stripping all the clouds from satellite images. Okay sure, maybe the 14th of September was just a cloudless day you might say, but I audited a whole 3 months of Cryosphere Today images and saw not a single cloud. That's IMPOSSIBLE!

Climate scientists dislike clouds because clouds contradict their PCAGW myth [1]. If there are clouds then everything is fine [2]. The most likely explanation is that they are so used to deleting clouds from Climate Models that they deleted them from satellite images too without thinking.


The arctic is fine.

[1] See Climategate.
[2] See Lindzen.

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Arctic Sea Ice Downfall

The alarmists have reached a new record low. One of them sent me a video outrageously comparing Blog Scientists to Nazi's - and not just any Nazis either, but high ranking Nazis. It seems the eco-fascists in desperation are having to resort to add homs.

I am currently busy focusing exclusively on Antarctic sea ice. Unfortunately I won't have time to take a look at how Arctic sea ice is doing until late October.

Saturday 30 June 2012

The Double Recovery of Arctic Sea Ice

Just two months ago we learned that Arctic Sea Ice Is Normal For The First Time In At Least Seven Years

Now we are told that Arctic Sea Ice is the lowest on record for the time of year.

Just what is going on?
Lets ignore what the so-called "scientists" say and look instead to the wealth of knowledge Blog Science has built up about Arctic sea ice over the years:

Watt's Law: A record low in Arctic ice is a sign that a Recovery has begun. Such an event occurred in summer 2007.

Goddard's Law: If arctic sea ice reaches normal levels it is clear proof that a recovery is in progress.

The Monckton Conjecture: Arctic ice extent is just fine: steady for a decade.

So we can see that normal levels of ice in April means that The Recovery since 2007 is progressing well. The more recent record low is a sign that a new recovery has begun (watt's law). So we now have two Arctic sea ice recoveries running in parallel and amplifying each other through solar magneto-reluctance. This is very inconvenient for IPCC alarmists and their communist handlers.

Arctic sea ice will now recover double fast. It may even melt out completely in a coming summer and thus initiate a third recovery which will be the final nail in the coffin of man-made global warming.

Thursday 31 May 2012

Summer Shattered: No Warming Since February

IPCC "scientists" predict that every year there should be a period known as "Summer" in the Northern Hemisphere. The IPCC prediction is for 3C/month warming between February and May:

But inconveniently for Micheal Mann the temperature this year in 2012 has been flat between February and the beginning of May:

That's almost three months without any increase in temperature. This clearly falsifies the theories of climate scientists and means we should ignore anything they say. If you disagree then please stare without blinking at these lines until it sinks in:

The IPCC scientists' own graph above is very clear that they expected a smooth 6C increase in temperature between February and May which just hasn't happened. Is it a coincidence that the 2007 IPCC report doesn't mention anything about the inconvenient 2012 temperature data?

Alarmists will try to wriggle out of this by saying "blah blah blah three months is not long enough", "blah blah blah noise", "blah blah blah we are going to increase your taxes anyway", etc. I know all of their arguments - I have read most of the Internet, which is surely why Al Gore has turned down all my offers to debate him on Live TV at the Whitehouse. I even offered to waive half my usual fee.

Sidebar: When and When Not to Trust Data
  • DO trust data when it is promoted by a trusted figure such as Laird Monckton, Dr Professor Ian Plimer, or anyone with Solar based climate theory.
  • DONT trust data if it toes an IPCC line. We know the IPCC is always wrong so if data is compatible with man-made global warming in any way, it must be political data with an agenda and cannot be trusted.
  • DONT trust nature. Nature itself will sometimes conspire with the alarmists and fabricate political data about itself. Even raw data can lie. For example some glaciers are in decline even though we should be entering an ice age. I have my suspicions that if nature could vote it would vote Obama.
  • DO trust data if it contradicts the IPCC. Temperature data that exhibit a lack of warming can automatically be trusted and should be used immediately.
  • NEVER trust supposed copies of Birth Certificates issued from Hawaii.
In the case of the Central England Temperature record I would not normally trust data from the Hadley Center, but in this case the Central England Temperature record makes such a convenient argument that I stand 100% behind the data. In fact I trust it even more than the Hadley Center do as I strongly believe it represents not just Central England Temperature but Global Temperature. Not of course that I concede such a hypothetical climate "science" concept as "Global Temperature" exists, I don't. But global temperature is definitely dropping and taking us into a new ice age.

Sunday 6 May 2012

What Consensus?

Dozens Of Murderers Renounce Belief In Global Warming

The UN Mandated theory of Global Warming received another set back today as dozens of murderers, who had previously accepted the theory, renounced their belief in Global Warming and signed a petition for inaction.

 It has long been a thorn in the side of climate deniers that so many murderers accept global warming, now the tables seem to be turning. "This is a wakeup call", said Professor Coal of the Heartless Institute, "with such an array of famous murderers rallying against the UN Greenhouse Theory of Gases, how can anyone claim the science is settled? We've even bagged the unabomber".

The government response has been harsh. Almost all of the murderers on the list are either dead or have been imprisoned. "This is why we hide in the mountains - the UN are coming for us too", notes Professor Coal, "Osama Bin Laden's next video release was purported to denounce the 'infidel physics of the CO2 molecule', but it was never shown. His "Hide the decline" Pakistan tour was inadvertently canceled when President Obama ordered US Special Forces to assassinate him at the behest of the National Science Foundation.".

Sunday Smear
Time for the Sunday Smear by our in-house cartoonist Tosh. This week UN Science Types are literally exposed when their UN Gravy Train suffers a humiliating derailment. Perhaps it collided with Scientific Fact coming the other way?

Friday 4 May 2012

What Were They Thinking?!

For crying out loud, don't sign your name under it! 

Get SEPP or CSCDGC, or one of the other groups no-one gives a shit about to sign it

Sunday 29 April 2012

Global Warming A Hoax Say 7 Dwarfs

7 Top Climate Experts sent a letter to NASA Administrator Charles Bolden this week criticizing the agency for advocating man-made CO2 as a major cause of climate change. NASA is increasingly finding itself under pressure as more world renowned experts speak out. Only last week 101 Dalmatians signed a petition calling for the mass resignation of all climate scientists and the 3 Musketeers are known to have concerns. Below is the letter in full.

Dear NASA,

We, the undersigned, respectfully request that NASA and the Goddard Institute for Space Studies desist from communicating with the public. We believe the claims by NASA and GISS, that man-made carbon dioxide is having a catastrophic impact on global climate change are unsubstantiated and inconvenient, especially when considering CO2 is heavier than air and coal mining is great. With millions of well-known climate scientists and billions of other scientists publicly declaring their disbelief in catastrophic forecasts, it is clear that the science is NOT settled.

At risk is damage to the exemplary reputation of NASA, NASA’s current or former scientists and employees, and even the reputation of science itself.

For additional information regarding the science behind our concern, we recommend that you contact the Coal Lobby Institute, the Union of Concerned Coal Miners, or others they can recommend to you.


(Attached signatures)

Doc (PhD)

Wednesday 18 April 2012


In their latest bid to prop up the forever failed hypothesis of CAGW, Climate Alarmists have released a monstrosity they call "HadCRUT4". And here it is:

HadCRUT4 graph. Crown Copyright removed. Real science doesn't have copyrights. This graph is now mine. If the Queen has a problem with that she can take it up with 49 NASA Astronauts.

What is HadCRUT4?
Alarmists will tell you that HadCRUT4 is a global temperature record. This isn't entirely correct, as per usual you have to watch the thimble closely with these guys. The part they aren't telling you is that HadCRUT4 is yet another component in a global fraud perpetrated on the free world by a state-funded hierarchy of scientific gatekeepers and their political handlers at the behest of elite power-brokers in the helm of government who may or may not be representing an ancient race of reptiles which have enslaved man and plan to tax them.

What is global temperature?
Global Temperature is a meaningless concept invented by alarmists. There is no such thing as "global temperature". I can pick holes in the concept all day and I do.

Is global warming caused by man?
No, the well documented increase in global temperature since the 19th century is entirely natural and wholesome. How do we know this? Because the warming started from a colder period. Therefore warming is logically just a recovery from the colder period. The alarmists would only have a point if the warming had started from a period warmer than today.

Observe how the recovery line from the colder period is entirely wholesome and natural:

Is HadCRUT4 accurate?
No. It's completely untrustworthy IPCC data engineered to support man-made global warming. It has been authored by Phil Jones and may have even been touched by Michael Mann. It's totally wrong and unusable. I can show you photos of stations next to AC Units and suggestive photos of airports.

Below I use HadCRUT4 to demonstrate remarkably precise natural cycles in the data which disprove man-made global warming. It turns out that once you've drawn a line through the middle of the data, some of the data is above the line and some is below. This sensational finding means I can draw an up and down thingy over it. Up and down thingies are called Cycles:
Rule of thumb: When constructing graphs it is best to use bright colors that clash. This way your point will literally burn itself into the readers' eyes.

Is it a coincidence that the Sun in the sky sometimes goes up and sometimes it goes down? No it is not. The Sun is a natural cycle too, and is the likeliest candidate for explaining the similar up-downisms of the pink line.

Can We Trust My Result?
Yes. Fortunately the HadCRUT4 global temperature data is extremely accurate, even back to the early 20th century, which gives me confidence that my close cycle-fit to the data must be correct.
Predicting The Future
Now that we have established a tight relationship between Global Temperature and the Sun we have the ability to predict the future. Needless to say it's Very Not The IPCC:
The eagle eyed reader may have spotted the word "Taxes" next to the down arrow. This is an error, it should have read "Ice age". I was thinking about something else when I was drawing the down arrow.

My advice to fellow climate deniers is to keep hammering away and remember the golden rule: "Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, well done you are getting better at fooling people."

P.S: I know there is a burning question on every regular reader's mind. I didn't address this at the start of the post, so me take the opportunity to do so now: No, Al Gore still has not got back to be about the live debate and yes I have updated the blog slogan to "Denial Depot: The world's most factual blog on global warming and climate change". This result was determined by a web poll so must be true.

P.S.S: There have been complaints about spammers in the comments. Spammers are part of the science too. Other blogs might censor comments but I refuse to. Besides clicking links in comment spam is how I do most of my shopping.