Monday 2 November 2009

HadCrut3 - Where the **** is my data?!

Where is the September temperature update?! It's now November.

This is intolerable having to wait over two months for data. Where is it? You can tell I am angry! I need this data immediately for Blog Science Auditing.

I hope they aren't wasting time validating the data before they release it. I just need the data, if there's any errors in it I am sure it can be corrected shortly after release without fuss.

As this is a top science blog, why not post me your own suggestions of what the Hadley Climate Center could be doing? Remember now is the season to tie every paranoid thought to  Copenhagen somehow.

I'll kick you off: Are they too busy installing their fake tree rings in Siberian forests?

Update: Another blog is also concerned


  1. Sledgehammer for the truth2 November 2009 at 11:17

    Good post, thanks. However, one small grammatical correction: "Data" is plural, therefore the correct phrase is "Where the **** be my data?"

    I note that this does not in any way reduce the guilt of these clandestine bastards.

  2. I thought that would sound too pirate

    1. I love the DIY and will definitely have to try it out but LeRoy is melting my heart! so precious!

    2. Thank you for another great article. Where else could anyone get that kind of information in such a perfect way of writing?

  3. Having lived in Norwich, where the Hadley Centre is based, I can assure you that they have been indulging themselves at the beer festival. No doubt getting themselves "in training" for Copenhagen (another place I have lived in, which is also renowned for its beer).

  4. I dont understand why we need there data I thort we did our own data.

  5. Dr Inferno,

    I share your outrage. Clearly the Hadley folks fear your methods, and are working overtime in a futile attempt to paper over any errors. Why can't they just admit their mistakes?

    Rather than fearing you, they should extend an invitation to you to inspect the data before release.

    And they should acknowledge the very great debt that they owe you (as evidenced, e.g., by the Yamal spaghetti connection that you the first to spot).

    Speaking of Yamal, perhaps this is a clue to the Hadley delay debacle? Given that the entire temperature reconstruction depended on one tree, where does this leave HadCrut3?

    Blog Science Expert Reviewer
    90 posts till Blog Professorship

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  6. You are way too slow off the line, Dr Inferno, the best lines have all been taken at WUWT.

  7. Baron von Monckhofen3 November 2009 at 08:33

    Yes, I have to say that the WUWT crowd is outdoing itselves. Here is a summary:

    I imagine they are so busy trying to figure out how to cover their colletive [self-snip,] and are still stuck in that car wreck and it takes time to cook the data just right and the incoming Conservative governemnt may well privatise them, meaning job cuts, efficiency drives, & making money using their weather preditions, and they are cooking the books again, no they deleted the data, no the dog ate the data, stuck in the gravy train wreck, “stick handling”, and they had to make a choice between spending the budget on the data, or on the party in Copenhagen, and it does take time to delete readings that don’t fit the model and dress up some of the others, can’t let the data be raw, it takes time to torture data, they’re busy playing hockey, cooking the books, and Venus being closer to the sun than earth, they are fiddling with the numbers, the figures are late because their computer “froze”, I smell a rat, he morons probablylost the data, AGAIN, I expect the data is stuck in a Royal Mail sorting office somewhere.

  8. "You are way too slow off the line, Dr Inferno, the best lines have all been taken at WUWT."

    I think I got there first. Same with my next post.

    1. "Do not know. However, these days she was on my a few back, sometimes one, sometimes a few people, I suspect they are out to sell."

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