Saturday 20 October 2012

A New Theory of Climate

"Stop drinking the Kool Aid and learn how the Earths temperatures are controlled in the Book "Pyramid Gravity Force" available on Amazon, find out how mans penetration in Cheops the great pyramid of Giza, disabled the great pyramid of Giza which controlled the Hawaiian Island volcanic activity. Yes the Giza pyramid was the Earths thermostat until crazy humans broke it, read how the Earth has missed a few crucial mini ice ages and how we have a chance of saving the planet by getting the Giza pyramids back on line. Ancient Geo Engineering is real......And we still have a chance to save planet earth from the masive tectonic plate movement that are coming to blast us all into the stone age. Regardless of why the temperature rises on planet Earth, The pyramids are here to cool the planet down. These Earthquakes are just the beginning................"

Say what you will about the theory, but it makes a hell of a lot more sense to me than Al Gores CO2 Tax Theory. Because they can't stand challenges climate scientists have systematically omitted any discussion of the Pyramid Gravity Force from the IPCC report. The IPCC report's supposedly exhaustive list of climate forcings fails to mention the Pyramid Gravity Forcing. Even though it is a man-made forcing the corrupt IPCC is loathe to accept the idea because it's shadowy puppet-masters can't levy taxes for it. The solution of shutting the Giza pyramid door to fix climate change is too simple and can't be used as an excuse for world government.

The book cover shows "how the gravity beam travels from the Great pyramid of Giza to the Hawaiian Island via ricocheting off of the gravity neutral zone near the solid iron core at the center of the planet."

Makes sense to me. A quick fact check confirms there is an Island in Hawaii so this appears to pass preliminary examination. The Pyramid Gravity Force theory of climate is just one of many equally valid theories of climate that are springing up every day to challenge Mann-made Globebull Warming. They are all just as likely. How confusing. We can't possibly understand how climate works if there are so many competing theories! All theories of climate should be taught in schools as equal and let the children decide which one they want to believe. Maybe turn off the heat in one of the classrooms and tell the kids if they want to believe in Al Gore's theory that warming is bad they will have to sit in the cold room.

Note I am not saying the Pyramid Gravity Forcing theory is necessarily true. All I am seeking to do is to spread doubt and confusion about the cause of climate change under the guise of "exploring different theories" while disassociating myself from the theories I advocate in order to maintain deniability, and no I am not copying WUWT, I thought of this plan myself.


  1. Baron von Monckhofen20 October 2012 at 07:25

    Yes, it makes much more sense that the climate is controlled by the Giza pyramid than by our insignificant emissions of an insignificant trace gas in the atmosphere.

    1. Exactly, the Giza pyramid is MASSIVE. This also ties nicely into what I want to believe. If the ancients already knew how to control climate without knowing climate science then what is the point of climate science?

    2. Baron von Monckhofen20 October 2012 at 11:30

      One can actually see the Giza pyramid! One can touch it! Has anybody ever seen carbon dioxide? Has anybody held it in his hand? Didn't think so! It is elusive like a ghost, and has about the same amount of influence on the weather as a ghost. That's why CAGW is a religion: they believe in ghosts!

    3. Yes I have held it, it is white and extremely cold, burny, it is also of magical disappearing powers, I left a chunk outside on a hot day, coming back a few hours later it had disappeared.maybe a ghost took it

  2. Endorphin Monkey20 October 2012 at 17:00

    I went to this book's website and the author seems to present an internally coherent theory of everything which has only a few seriously major inconsistencies affecting it. At first this made me suspicious of the whole thing. Why? Because - #1 - I never heard of it before and - #2 - I didn't think of it first myself. But when I read further it made sense as he mentions Stonehenge - and you can explain anything with Stonehenge!!

    But nagging nay-saying Nancys might shout "What controlled the Hawaiian volcanoes before the Pyramids were built in Egypt?" The fools!! Atlantis of course! The master-controllers only built the Great Pyramid because the Atlantean pyramids, along with the island continent, were destroyed in the Alien Proxy War between the Reptilians and the Greek Gods. Well, Duh!

    Competing theories are the lifeblood of science, and "disproving" one theory after another condemns those fragile souls who believe in the discarded theories to clinical depression and PTSD. Imagine if major league baseball operated that way. There would be fewer teams each year, until just the Chicago Cubs remained, awarded the World Series trophy every April without a single game played.

  3. Inferno, your last paragraph is disappointing, and detracts from the key message I've always taken home from your posts - that there are so many equally plausible theories of what influences climate that it is impossible to ever know anything about anything.

    Are you a real denier or not?

  4. "Mann-made Globebull Warming" - Shouldn't that be "Gorebull"? -MMM

  5. Your post made me examine the subject matter from an entirely different position.

  6. what more proof do you need
    from the peered reviewed book itself.

    "Here are a few pics, The first one is the Hawaiian Hot Spot, I like this pic because it shows a time line of the Hawaiian Hot Spot,"

    so while the climattoolagists were bumbling around looking for a non existing topical topospheric hot spot,
    this genius has found it in the back streets of Honolulu.

    finding this hot spot will be seen as the turning point in modern science.

  7. Good to have found some Open minds, Pyramid Gravity Force is real......I had to create my own disipline of physics call Hexagontum physics, it's for people that can get from A to C without going to B first.........In current physics for something to exist, we have to see it, hear it, feel it, taste it, then eat it and even then it still might not exist, In Hexagontum physics common sense rules, we do not have to build a 3 mile long super collider underground to fnd the higgs boson, we just accept common sense and that it exist and move on....At the current rate of quantum physics we will all be back in the stone age before we concor GRAVITY the devine energy......I am intersted in gravity, to the point of my own law called Shaughnessy's Law of Gravity, AMC2 = S, this formula expresses how geometrical shapes above the ellipsoid manipulate the gravity wave. Place you index finger on a globe mountain range spin it 180° and your finger will land on another moutain range at the same latitude...........Oh.....Here a concept the pyramids are older that 70 thousand years old and the Oldest carbon dated sample from the Hawaiian Island is under 26000 years old.....We are a speceies with amnesia...Like oh sure we came out of the woods 5 thousand years ago and the first thing on our minds is building a 6.6 million ton pyramid out of granite and line stone with copper tools....Who is the......Crazy ones. Al Gore has more science than Pyramidologist do; You want some real scientific humor go to wikipedia and key word Hawaiian Hot spot...there are three theroies....That completly are hysterical......None of the three theroies cant explain why there theory's dont happen everywhere..Like hello to have a theory you have to define why it happen only there.....Which "pyramid gravitry force" clearly does. As stated we have seen the pyramids and the Hawaiian Islands so lets go the extra mile and agree that something called gravity is hammering you to the ground everyday.....I think I have Al Gore beat on this one.
    John Shaughnessy
    May the pyramid gravity force be with you...........!

  8. I've seen and handled carbon dioxide. It is very cold, even colder than the regular freezer. I can't understand how such white blocks that are extremely cold can warm the planet up as is claimed by those evil warmists.

  9. Splendid, this blog was created perfectly I love how you added a new side to it.

  10. Oh dear, after a long run by genius standards, I fear it appears you may have fallen victim to quackery of the first order Dr. Inferno.
    Need I remind you that nowhere does Nostradamus so much as mention pyramids of any stripe? Napoleon, Hitler, Gore, Gates, Sinatra, Obama - yes. Pyramids? Not so much.

  11. Sean Shaughnessy has completely overlooked the role of Crystal Power in focusing the gravity beam before it Rick O'Sheas off of the gravity neutral zone near the solid iron core at the centre of the planet.
    It's time to stop thinking Smallville. If we are to fix Global Warming then the IPCC must stop being neutral, accept the gravity of the situation and nuke the Fortress of Solitude!
    Furthermore, Sean S has also completely overlooked the damage the gravity beam is causing elsewhere in the universe. Where does he think gravitational singularities or black holes come from? What does he think caused the destruction of Kyrpton?
    Not good enough, Shaughnessy!!!

  12. John Shaughnessy, based on your pioneering work I've made a further exciting discovery. You noted that if you place your index finger on a mountain range on a globe and spin it 180° and your finger will land on another moutain range at the same latitude. I have found that if you spin the globe 360° your finger ends up on a mountain range that is almost the same as the one with which you started -it even had a similar smudge of jam, left over from my breakfast (strawberry jam in case you were wondering). And if you spin it 720° you get another. I went for it and tried to spin 1080°, but the globe fell off its stand and rolled across the floor. Clearly the Earth force intervened - I think I've found the secret to unlocking pyramid gravity forcing. Infinite amounts of free electricity beckon.

  13. Stonehenge, New Grange are part of a huge ancient geo engineering instrumentation system. Hello........ most massive stone megalith's line up with astrological events, How else on earth can you monitor the tectonic plate movements for the year or other plantetary functions such as rotational speed, axis tilt and so on..... these Megalithic systems would give our ancient geo engineers solid data which was used to make adjustment to the pyramid system.Say for instance the winter solstice was a day early or late........ Hello....... Like I said stop drinking the Kool Aid; The superior beings that set this system up were from a type three society......We on the other-hand are not even a type one yet......Edgar Cayce the best of the best readers out there, also backs up this science.......Much better than Check's list of false prophets........

    1. wow, john can talk to Edgar Cayce... Hello like this bloke can actually communicate with dead people, color me impressed

      I know a bloke with type two diabetes, but have not heard of type three, I am not a type one but I am willing to learn.

      "stop drinking the Kool Aid', that is a very profound... Hello

    2. Baron von Monckhofen4 November 2012 at 04:38

      From Edgar Cayce's A.R.E homepage:

      "Edgar Cayce would put himself in a trance-like state by lying down on a couch, closing his eyes, and folding his hands over his stomach. In this state, he was able to place his mind in contact with all time and space—the universal consciousness, also known as the super-conscious mind. From there, he could respond to a variety of questions from individuals across the country. The questions were asked by a conductor of the readings, usually his wife Gertrude, and each session was documented by his secretary, Gladys Davis. These responses came to be called "readings," and their insights offer practical help and advice to individuals even today."

      Wow, that's also what I like to do when I want to penetrate the Mysteries of the Universe. Well, a bottle of Schnapps usually helps, too!

  14. This important work needs to be integrated with the Iron Sun and wandering Venus theories.

    I was disappointed to see that all your paragraphs are the same typeface and color. Please try to keep your readers better entertained; your unique message deserves Comic Sans and green ink etc.

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  26. the pyramid energy pulled the nails out of the iron sun , causing them to fall to earth as the iron dust that fertilizes the oceans around the farms of Atlantis, feeding the cows whose submarine methane emission drives global warming

  27. The cornwall alliance unfortunately disproves this theory in one small paragraph:

    1.We believe Earth and its ecosystems—created by God’s intelligent design and infinite power and sustained by His faithful providence —are robust, resilient, self-regulating, and self-correcting, admirably suited for human flourishing, and displaying His glory. Earth’s climate system is no exception. Recent global warming is one of many natural cycles of warming and cooling in geologic history.

    I.E. there is NO NEED for a pyramid God made the world resilient, self correcting and self regulating just for MAN.

    Now there is one thing you have missed: The Pharoes had much gold. From where I ask? The desert! don't make me larf. The answer is obvious they cooked up the need for a pyramid sold it to the world and demanded TAXES or else they would turn it off and the world would fry.

    This is of course much like climate scientists do today - lining their pockets with our tax groat.

  28. Someone pointed out today that global warming actually corrects itself retroactively--because hotter years make previous years cooler. Maybe there is something you can do with this concept?

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  32. I looked for peer reviewed science papers on the pyramid gravity theory and found nothing! This goes to show that science is a closed shop full of small minded eco-terriost-commumnists.
    Not until mainstream science can accept theories like this will it ever be useful!!

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  39. Well knock me over with a feather! Such truthiness! You certainly showed those know-it-all "scientists" a thing or to!

  40. Gravity Forcing theory is increase my knowledge about climate changing process...

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  42. Stop drinking the Kool AID..........! And start thinking about Ancient Geo Engineering......Like hello is everyong on this planet stupid enough to believe that the Pyramids are TOMBS.........?
    Like Hello one more time for possible penitration into the dense minds of.........Earthlings....The pyamids on the Giza plateau control the Hawaiian hot spot......Now why would a bunch of Highly intelligent beings want to control a Volcano.......? anyone.? yes you in the back.! whats that you say....? Thats correct....! did you hear that people your not a stupis as you look down here after all.......The semi bright human in the back said to control temperatures by controlling ASH discharge into the atmosphere............Very Good..Rabbit......! And how do we do this with Pyramids on the appraoximate same latitude of the Hawaiian Hot Spot on the otherside of the planet...? yes, yes, spit it out son.......! By gravity control..! very son......very good.......By gravity control......Now how do you disable a pyramid that was set up to control the temperatures on Earth.......? right again you open them up and turn them into amuzement parks........So.......And how do we place the pyramids back on line......? yes, yes right again.....! We repair the damage CRAZY humans did to the Earths thermostats i.e. the Great Pyramids of Giza............"Pyramid Gravity Force" the only answer to CLIMATE CHANGE.......The Ice Man Cometh.........

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  61. Pyramid Gravity Force is, The truth...........You can't handle the truth! Son, we live in a world that has Pyramids. And those Pyramids have to be guarded by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Sunshine ? I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for Ancient Egyptian and you curse the Science left behind by GOD in the book Pyramid Gravity Force . You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know: that Pyramid Gravity Force, while tragic, probably saved lives. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives...You don't want the truth. Because deep down, in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that Pyramid. You need me on that Pyramid.
    We use words like honor, code, loyalty...we use these words as the backbone to a life spent defending something. You use 'em as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very CLIMATE CONTROL technology I provide, then questions the manner in which I provide it! I'd rather you just said thank you and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a the book Pyramid Gravity Force and read it or a Stone Hamer and Fix my Pyramids. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you're entitled to!

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  69. Pyramid Gravity Force is, The truth...........You can't handle the truth! Son, we live in a world that has Pyramids. And those Pyramids have to be guarded by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Sunshine ? I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for Ancient Egyptian and you curse the Science left behind by GOD in the book Pyramid Gravity Force . You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know: that Pyramid Gravity Force, while tragic, probably saved lives. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives...You don't want the truth. Because deep down, in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that Pyramid. You need me on that Pyramid.
    We use words like honor, code, loyalty...we use these words as the backbone to a life spent defending something. You use 'em as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very CLIMATE CONTROL technology I provide, then questions the manner in which I provide it! I'd rather you just said thank you and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a the book Pyramid Gravity Force and read it or a Stone Hamer and Fix my Pyramids. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you're entitled to!


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  73. go figure who would've of thougt!!! that a type three society was kick'en it here on Earth. Like wow... a society that could cotrol planetary function on Earth like "Climate Change" actually past intelligent beings would have been ejecting ash into the atmosphere duing the industrial revolution to keep the ocean conveyor's health and, I say And...... they would have stopped the loss of glacures and polar ice in it's tracts...Why...? so they would not end up where we are......One tectonic plate slip or one super caldera eruption from going back to the stone age......LOL........LIke jumpin knowledge...... a reason for all these massive pyramids scattered around the world.........What a discovery......All large pyramid line up with volcano's 180° and at the same lttitude from one another.....But noooooo.....we have the most rediculous theory on the planet that trumps all and that is the Tomb theory for the main reason of pyramids......Humans........LOL......

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