Sunday 29 April 2012

Global Warming A Hoax Say 7 Dwarfs

7 Top Climate Experts sent a letter to NASA Administrator Charles Bolden this week criticizing the agency for advocating man-made CO2 as a major cause of climate change. NASA is increasingly finding itself under pressure as more world renowned experts speak out. Only last week 101 Dalmatians signed a petition calling for the mass resignation of all climate scientists and the 3 Musketeers are known to have concerns. Below is the letter in full.

Dear NASA,

We, the undersigned, respectfully request that NASA and the Goddard Institute for Space Studies desist from communicating with the public. We believe the claims by NASA and GISS, that man-made carbon dioxide is having a catastrophic impact on global climate change are unsubstantiated and inconvenient, especially when considering CO2 is heavier than air and coal mining is great. With millions of well-known climate scientists and billions of other scientists publicly declaring their disbelief in catastrophic forecasts, it is clear that the science is NOT settled.

At risk is damage to the exemplary reputation of NASA, NASA’s current or former scientists and employees, and even the reputation of science itself.

For additional information regarding the science behind our concern, we recommend that you contact the Coal Lobby Institute, the Union of Concerned Coal Miners, or others they can recommend to you.


(Attached signatures)

Doc (PhD)


  1. Endorphin Monkey29 April 2012 at 13:06

    These dwarfs, or "dwarves" as they are known in New Zealand, have an important point to make. Numbers add up, especially if you are counting climate scientists, self-appointed freelance climate experts, self-educated climate aficionados, climate bloggers and climate blog commenters. 97% of these believe that proclaiming human-caused global warming is a vile putrescent outrage, while the other 3% are government-paid lackeys, wasting taxpayers' money.

    I'm impressed that the 101 Dalmatians would take time out from riding firetrucks and agitating against the fur industry to support our noble cause, but the Three Musketeers are LIARS!! Have you ever seen them shooting muskets? NO! They use SWORDS!!! However, in their defense, I can see why they don't call themselves the "Three Swordsmen." People might think they're porno actors.

    NASA might own outer space but they don't own my soul, or my opinion! Why don't they do something about UFOs!!? One was outside my house last night, and I had to throw rocks at it for 30 minutes before it went away behind the clouds. The police told me it was the "Planet" Venus. That's a hoax too.

    1. NASA might own outer space but they don't own my soul, or my opinion! - Beautiful words :)

  2. Honest Businessman29 April 2012 at 13:11

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  3. Goblins of Misty Mountains30 April 2012 at 05:06

    We, the Goblins of the Misty Mountains, certainly have no love for dwarves, but in this case we agree. The eco-fascist doomsayers and Goreish minions must be resisted by all means possible before we are all forced to live in caves (not that we really mind living in caves, but its a matter of freedom of choice for darn sake). We intend to fight them on the blogs, in the comment sections of online newspapers, and in every on-line poll which we can overwhelm with our superior numbers. And we have a Balrog!

    Drums, drums in the deep. We are coming!

  4. Nice. I always figured Doc had a graduate degree.

  5. Why only seven signatures? Couldn't they find another three dwarves and make it a round ten? (Recently I read about the 49-ers who couldn't make it to an even 50.)

    Lysenko must have put all the other dwarves in gulags to stop them from speaking the truth about this eco-fascist cultist warmist one world government Bilderberg propaganda.

    PS two in a row - what a treat :D

  6. No, Sou. These are the magnificent seven who've managed to escape the slimy clutches of those 7 ft tall green lizardy overlords.

    I know some people bow down and do their bidding. But freedom loving smokestackers will support all the remaining dwarves when they tunnel out from their vile prisons and will win the day in the end.

    Might I also commend the use of appropriate graph colours on the previous post. It's about time! Magenta, lime, cerise and aubergine have languished too long, overlooked by all those dreary killjoys and their doom-laden, black and white sceince.


  7. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU NASA people of reduced altitude.

    This must surely be the most final of penultimate nails in the crumbling edifice of the CAGW coffin.

    "If I have seen farther, it is by standing on the shoulders of dwarves".

    1. In short, dwarves are the man! They be it, or them.

  8. I hear rumors that the White Witch from Narnia has signed one of those warmist letters, but that's probably because she's rooting for the next ice age to come faster...


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  9. I don't understand why only 7 sigs? Just doesnt make any sense to me.

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  12. I'm impressed that the 101 Dalmatians would take time out from riding firetrucks and agitating against the fur industry to support our noble cause, but the Three Musketeers are LIARS!! Have you ever seen them shooting muskets? NO! They use SWORDS!!! However, in their defense, I can see why they don't call themselves the "Three Swordsmen." People might think they're porno actors.

    1. Endorphin Monkey9 August 2012 at 20:35

      Marcus! Do I hear an echo in here? If you want to contribute an idea it really should be original, otherwise you are wasting your own time, as well as ours. And no, I don't want more children.

  13. Thanks for such a great post and the review, I am totally impressed! Keep stuff like this coming.

  14. Global warming is a problem, we need to do something against it

  15. Well, if we dont do anything, our planet will go to the ground

  16. Sarcasm or true? Not sure after reading it

  17. It's about time! Magenta, lime, cerise and aubergine have languished too long, I also commend the use of appropriate graph colours on the previous post.

  18. Well, well, nice written article and so true. You can find in any story its fairytail :-)

  19. Fairytail or not, those are facts and we need to face them!!!

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