Thursday, 31 May 2012

Summer Shattered: No Warming Since February

IPCC "scientists" predict that every year there should be a period known as "Summer" in the Northern Hemisphere. The IPCC prediction is for 3C/month warming between February and May:

But inconveniently for Micheal Mann the temperature this year in 2012 has been flat between February and the beginning of May:

That's almost three months without any increase in temperature. This clearly falsifies the theories of climate scientists and means we should ignore anything they say. If you disagree then please stare without blinking at these lines until it sinks in:

The IPCC scientists' own graph above is very clear that they expected a smooth 6C increase in temperature between February and May which just hasn't happened. Is it a coincidence that the 2007 IPCC report doesn't mention anything about the inconvenient 2012 temperature data?

Alarmists will try to wriggle out of this by saying "blah blah blah three months is not long enough", "blah blah blah noise", "blah blah blah we are going to increase your taxes anyway", etc. I know all of their arguments - I have read most of the Internet, which is surely why Al Gore has turned down all my offers to debate him on Live TV at the Whitehouse. I even offered to waive half my usual fee.

Sidebar: When and When Not to Trust Data
  • DO trust data when it is promoted by a trusted figure such as Laird Monckton, Dr Professor Ian Plimer, or anyone with Solar based climate theory.
  • DONT trust data if it toes an IPCC line. We know the IPCC is always wrong so if data is compatible with man-made global warming in any way, it must be political data with an agenda and cannot be trusted.
  • DONT trust nature. Nature itself will sometimes conspire with the alarmists and fabricate political data about itself. Even raw data can lie. For example some glaciers are in decline even though we should be entering an ice age. I have my suspicions that if nature could vote it would vote Obama.
  • DO trust data if it contradicts the IPCC. Temperature data that exhibit a lack of warming can automatically be trusted and should be used immediately.
  • NEVER trust supposed copies of Birth Certificates issued from Hawaii.
In the case of the Central England Temperature record I would not normally trust data from the Hadley Center, but in this case the Central England Temperature record makes such a convenient argument that I stand 100% behind the data. In fact I trust it even more than the Hadley Center do as I strongly believe it represents not just Central England Temperature but Global Temperature. Not of course that I concede such a hypothetical climate "science" concept as "Global Temperature" exists, I don't. But global temperature is definitely dropping and taking us into a new ice age.


  1. Dr Inferno, can you explain why you've cropped the recent warming in the Central England Temperature Record? By the end of May temperature had risen to near record levels but you appear to have removed this data in your above presentation.

    1. The data you mention is clearly marked Preliminary. You might trust "Preliminary Data", I do not. I kept some of the preliminary data because it matched and reinforced my point. The preliminary data after that in which temperature jumps very high looks suspicious. Did you even read the sidebar?

      I must say you've replied VERY quickly to my post. My readers are known to take at least a few hours to work through my posts.Are you just hear to disrupt?

    2. 'I kept some of the preliminary data because it matched and reinforced my point.'

      You kept data because it matched your point?!

      It might be preliminary data but do you really think the high daily mean temperartures reported in Central England in the past two weeks are going to be revised down 7 degrees C?

    3. Unicorn the one horned freak says:

      "do you really think the high daily mean temperartures reported in Central England in the past two weeks are going to be revised down 7 degrees C"

      Typical alarmist troll trying to pin reality to your agenda before it's happened. What's the matter bozo, did the data go and spoil all your lies?

    4. Sorry smokie, I am not biting your troll bait. I am out of here, what a waste of time.

    5. The Unicorn: "I am not biting your troll bait"

      It is against Blog Policy to insult a fellow commenter. Insults are strictly off-limits, even insults coming from cowardly worms as yourself.

      I allow full, open and unrestricted discourse on my blog, but you have abused my good nature. I've checked your IP address and I hope it suitably scares you that I now know you live somewhere in the UK. Phil Jones also comes from the UK. Care to explain that?

      you've overstepped the line with your constant disruptions. Consider yourself banned for 10 years.

      I am however Merciful and Just. I will perhaps allow you to return a little earlier than May 2022 if you will simply travel to your nearest public area and shout "Dr Inferno is Right and I am a Silly Fool" ten times in front of a crowd while slapping your own face. And video it. Send me the video. Now begone from my sight.

      Smokie: I hope The Unicorn has not discouraged you from participating in this e-salon. Please carry on.

    6. Endorphin Monkey31 May 2012 at 12:53

      Smokie: Please be careful not to derail your courageous epic titanic struggle against the evil anti-popes of the climate religion by exposing yourself to the finger-pointing of those who will quite rightly note that "Bozo" is a registered trademark of Larry Harmon Pictures Corporation. Some axe-murdering climate believer might sue you for your use of "Bozo" as a diversionary tactic. You might prefer to use a generic term of justified abuse like "you squalid filthy clown". Keep up the ultimate fight between good and evil. Good job!

    7. Baron von Monckhofen31 May 2012 at 13:32


      Obviously you have never heard about that effect discovered by Dr Anthony Whats called the Urban Heat Island Effect. Let me explain it to you.

      May is the season of building parking lots, airports and other heat-absorbing surfaces. That's why it appears to get warmer in May. But what really happens is that all those thermometers suddenly find themselves near some piece of tarmac, and register more heat because of that. Then in October, the tarmac disappears, and the thermometers suddenly register a cooling. That is the simple truth. Don't believe those IPCC "scientists" who try to make you believe that the seasons are caused by the tilt of the Earth's axis relative to the Sun: they are just on the gravy train trying to hog more tax-payer's money and instigate a New World Order. It is really all about UHI and tarmac.

    8. Hello, how’s it going? Just shared this post with a colleague, we had a good laugh.

  2. Endorphin Monkey31 May 2012 at 12:36

    There is nothing to worry about on this graph. You have a "normal" range of temperatures between the pink line at the top and the pale blue line at the bottom. The only time to start worrying is if temperature readings start to consistently stray outside these lines. (Coloring outside the lines is strictly forbidden! Kindergarten rules!) In that case the police must be contacted to investigate the fabrication of climate data.

    There are many factors that cause a short term rises in temperature - cosmic rays, heat generated by continental drift and earthquakes, water vapor, air conditioners, dark colored solar panels, underground volcanoes, solar radiation from stars other than the Sun, car brake pads, the heat given off when you burn huge quantities of harmless fossil fuels. To that we can add a newly discovered source - satellites in low earth orbit. They use solar panels to take in sunlight that would normally bounce off cloud tops, and convert it into radio waves and radar signals. These are deliberately aimed at the earth, and can add up to several degrees of heating. We don't need these satellites. We have fiber optic cables to communicate and airplanes to observe. Crash the satellites into the Indian Ocean where they belong!!!

    1. Really impressed! Everything is very open and very clear clarification of issues.

  3. Inferno, it's great to see your last graph is using the 'blogdale' two color 'blue box' annotation graphing analysis system. I expect Nick Romney to use this new science in his campaign!

    Endorphin Monkey: Our house now has solar panels the Sun has been out quite a bit and now our house really warm - there must be a connection! And now I see the Hadley are telling us the end of May has warmed up. Typical warmista trick to try to blame the warmth on (LOL!) 'the weather' - it's obviously got to be the Sun and all those solar panels on UK roofs.


  5. Dr Inferno,

    Another brilliant analysis! It left me so over-excited, I had to have a cigarette afterward reading it (Freddy Singer says it's okay).

    However, I have reservations about your figures. You have represented the trends using different colors. I should point out that these "data" come from "The Team". Therefore, all trends should be red.

  6. Baron von Monckhofen,
    you are indeed correct, nay wise, to point out the urban heat island effect but you forgot to mention all those joggers/runners that appear in May. Surely all those hot people running around near the thermometers will also cause this strange increase in temperature at that time.

  7. Wow ... I haven't seen anyone blatantly misrepresent statistics like that in a while. If you look at the time period you chose, the start of your trend is from the warmest spring on record EVER the end is at the IPCC predicted norm. How is that disproving climate change?

    1. Wow... anonymous person, you have figured out that not only is it NOT WARMING, but in fact, we've gone from very warm to normal... extrapolating the trend, in another few months we'll be VERY COLD!!! -MMM

  8. Is this the place
    that I stick
    Haiku that is meaningless?

    1. that is not really Haiku?

    2. Endorphin Monkey1 June 2012 at 12:31

      This is no place for Haiku
      We are complaining
      About climate alarmists

  9. Dr. Inferno, I appreciate your brilliant insight, but I wonder if perhaps your "When and When Not to Trust Data" section is longer than it needs to be. For me, I trust data which agrees with my gut, and that's all the rule I need...


  10. Dr. Inferno, I believe your own name belies a secret and suppressed acknowledgement of the true climate trend. Were your name 'Cool-hand Luke,' 'Ice-T' or similar, I would begin to believe your clever logical manipulations. Shame on you, sir! And, there is no such thing as "Hawaii," c'mon everyone knows that!

  11. I must say that I find this data very compelling. I expect we will see this ground-breaking work sharing slide space with a certain royal seal at the upcoming blog science symposium. I'd bet Mann and his AGW cronies are sweating over that one!

    1. I agree. I now have to re-evaluate what I thought was science. It is clearly more powerful than I have been taught. Looking at the data snapshot Inferno offers we can prove just about anything. I'm disappointed he did not stop his analysis at April 4th and we could be rapidly on our way to that long-overdue ice age, avoiding the annoying and oppressive heat predicted for this summer. And to any knucklehead that says why not extrapolate from the Feb 10 to the Feb 25 data, I say "Get a life."

  12. Inferno, you've been much too kind on "The Unicorn" (as if there's only one!)

    You don't need a psychology degree to decipher Uni as code for one world government and corn as code for biofuels. Thinking about the sinister agenda at play here makes me colder than the Little Ice Age.

  13. Good to see you maintaining the standards of civil scientific discourse, Dr. It seems to be only you and Profs Watts and McinTyre who are prepared to stand up and take no nonsense from these snivelling, warmist creeps and their loathsome, putrid agenda. Also, notice how after the initial setup, this "Unicorn" character's carefully chosen identity employs every vowel except 'E' and 'A'. I bet you're right on the money about Phil Jones. UEA indeed.

    Very interesting analysis from you this week, which fits my own climate theory very well. As we all know, climate changes all the time, except when it doesn't. Let the ICCCP refute that!

    1. And yet Profs Watts and Mcintyre show their jealosy by ignoring Dr Inferno's outstanding and original use of techniques that they themselves use so ineffectively. Where are the glowing reports of Dr Inferno's findings, where are the links to his works of genius?

      Shame on them.

  14. [quote]NEVER trust supposed copies of Birth Certificates issued from Hawaii.[/quote]

    what a bunch of political hogwash on a supposed scientific site. The idea that anyone would anyone would come away with any unbiased information off this site is laughable. Total fail!

    1. I see, Anonymous, that you aren't willing to sign your real name to your drive-by posting. That is a sign of cowardice and poor blog-science etiquette.

      Regarding the science behind Hawaiian birth certificates, however, I suppose I could grant you some leeway - after all, you probably have not yet read MMM et al, JIR*, in press, which shows that 9 out of 10 Hawaiian birth certificates are forged, and that the 10th certificate turns out to almost invariably be for a Blue-Footed Booby**.


      *Journal of Irreproducible Results, of course.
      **The kicker here, of course, is that the Blue-footed Booby is actually native to the Galapagos and neighboring areas, and therefore was likely not born in Hawaii either!

    2. Baron von Monckhofen7 June 2012 at 08:38

      You utter fool! There is no such thing as "unbiased information"! All information is biased in one way or another, and hence can be questioned.

  15. I look forward to Dr. Spencer's next publication on how clouds can be shown to offset so called "seasonal warming" using a simple 1D climate model.

  16. Speaking as a resident of Great Britain, this seems so obviously true that it needs no further investigation. Well done, sir! The whole World has seen how our so-called 'summer' has treated our brave monarchy (God bless their bladders), and it hasn't warmed since!

    I've written to all the best journals (The Mail, The Express, etc) hoping that - if they're quick - they can do for summer what they do for winter (an insightful expose, perhaps titled 'Global Warming - You're 'avin a larf??!!). I am even planning on writing a book which I may call 'The Global Welsh Summer' - doesn't sound too parochial, I hope?!

    Ultimately, I hope that, for the honest, hardworking public, this year will be the year to end all so-called 'seasons' (apart from winter, obviously, we need that one), and there will finally be no doubt that climate is totally chaotic.

    Perhaps then the 'complex' climate, that they say can only be unlocked by computers and models and gawd knows else, will at last be brought down to our level. I even look forward to seeing that youthful expression: 'LOLrandom'!!

    TTFN - B. Tufton

  17. Sir Humphree Bumblebee8 June 2012 at 04:27

    Another splendiferous post my good fellow.
    I notice you dispense with all those annoying sidelines like trends and longterm data sets.
    You get straight to the point and whack up a great big table which splendidly proves your point.
    I believe the good Dr Wattisname could take a tip or two from you and whack up a few more whoppers like yours. It would certainly help with us oldies (97% of his audience) and save us having to squint.
    And as for trends they come and go don't they. I mean hands up if you are still wearing flares? See what I mean?

  18. Expert Economist10 June 2012 at 06:41

    Thanks for another excellent article. It's refreshing to see arguments based on good solid science and common sense, without the use of deliberately opaque, self-validating computer models based on tree-rings. It's a big shame that the communist thought police over at Zeal Climate don't read your blog. They might learn something.

    I'm not surprised to see the IPCC's theory of seasonal temperature changes has been proven to be false, as the IPCC is notoriously shoddy in its approach - for instance it has consistently repeated the false notion that carbon dioxide warms the climate by absorbing and then re-emitting infra-red radiation, without bothering to check authoratitive sources such as blogs.

    Through thorough research on the internet I've discovered that carbon dioxide does not absorb infra-red radiation and is therefore not a "greenhouse gas". The idea that carbon dioxide absorbs infra-red radiation originally arose due to an error in the periodic table of chemical elements, which wrongly lists carbon as element number 6. Carbon should actually be element number 19. However, the original authors of the periodic table put carbon as element 6 because it fitted in more neatly with the dominant theories at the time; the authors clearly felt that they wouldn't have been able to get their periodic table published, and would have been ostracized by their fellow scientists, if they had given carbon its correct position in the periodic table; they were essentially intimidated into putting carbon as element number 6.

    This error in the periodic table has never been rectified, because the scientific establishment is too closed-minded to recognize its mistakes. It's just typical of the IPCC that it has relied on the received dogma of the periodic table instead of actually bothering to research the properties of carbon and carbon dioxide for itself.

  19. Excellent and decent post. I have found much informative, what I was exactly searching for. Thanks for such a post and please keep it up.

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  21. Joanna Exploding Star29 June 2012 at 01:47

    Excellent post. Speaking from Perth Western Australia, can I say that we've experienced quite alarming cooling since February, and now, at the end of June, there is still no sign of the so called warming. Its the sort of stuff that just doesn't get reported in the main stream media, and I can't thank you enough for your courageous work!

  22. I've written to all the best journals (The Mail, The Express, etc) hoping that - if they're quick - they can do for summer what they do for winter (an insightful expose, perhaps titled 'Global Warming - You're 'avin a larf??!!). I am even planning on writing a book which I may call 'The Global Welsh Summer' - doesn't sound too parochial, I hope?!

  23. Fantastic submit. Talking via Perth Western Australia,Cheap RS Gold am i allowed to point out that we have now encountered rather mind boggling a / c since February, now, after August, there may be nonetheless absolutely no manifestation of the what is known as temperatures rising. Its the sort of items that merely does not get noted generally stream marketing,Cheap Runescape Goldwe are not able to thanks sufficient for the brave work!

  24. Typical alarmist troll trying to pin reality to your agenda before it's happened. What's the matter bozo, did the data go and spoil all your lies?

  25. This is very interesting, thanks for this great information

  26. I do not life in England, but it is very interesting

  27. Great blog, there is no day where I do not learn something from you guys, keep up the good work

  28. Outstanding site, there's really no evening in which I wouldn't learn about a little something on your side guys, continue the good job Paolo

  29. and what is happing in winter? This is not said in this article

  30. bad summer and now we have again a cold winter? Can't wait till the first snow

  31. At least we have a warm house and don't need to go outside to often

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