Tuesday 2 March 2010

An Open Letter To IPCC Chairman Rajendra K. Pachauri

Dear Sir,

I regret to inform you that I have withdrawn my support for your continuing role as chairman of the IPCC. Please resign your chairmanship immediately after reading this message. You may take the rest of the day off.

It was thanks to our help that you became chairman of the IPCC in the first place. We've never trusted the IPCC and the previous IPCC chairman, Dr Watson, was one of those so-called "Climate Scientists". So we had him ousted. We certainly didn't want a "scientist" chairing the IPCC - too close to the "science" you see and therefore too dependent on grant money.

No what we needed was someone with industry links who could make money the good old fashioned way. So we picked you, in light of your industrial links and your qualifications in Economics and Railway Engineering (at a time when trains correctly bellowed co2!). To seal the deal, your directorship of an energy and environment research institute made you a relevant candidate for the position.

Remember? No? Perhaps you don't recall how you became chair of the IPCC? It's hard to deny when it's in print in a 2002 NYT article:

Auto manufacturers and oil companies have long seen Dr. Watson as a foe, and their lobbyists have said that Dr. Pachauri, who has worked with industry in the past, was clearly preferable.

If only you had remembered who put you there. Too late. You've overstepped the mark with your continued insistence that human activity is warming the climate. I guess reading too many IPCC reports made you go all "sciencey".

How quick you forgot the industry symposiums on co2-is-life! And you are a railway engineer? What are you doing chairing the IPCC if you are a railway engineer? It should be a climate scientist in charge - no wonder we don't trust the IPCC if it's being chaired by a railway engineer.

And we hear you are a director of an energy and environment research institute? That you have links to industry? I suppose you stand to benefit financially from all this? So you are not only unqualified to head the IPCC, but possibly in the pocket of industry too?! This is a scandal! How can the IPCC be so corrupt?

Then to top it off I just heard you wrote a book?!

Just stop. Stop now. Last month I believed in manmade global warming. I trusted science. I thought climate science was the best. But thanks to your activities I no longer trust the IPCC or climate science. I can only hope in a very sincere way that somehow the good name of science will survive.

With a tear in my eye,
Chief Climate Scientist and Chairman of the DenialDepot Climate Science Blog

P.S. don't steal the pens when you leave


  1. I believed in man-made global warming until just this morning. But then I put it all together, you know, by objectively and independently thinking about everything at the same time, and I've now come to the conclusion that it's a big scam. I can't go into the details right now because it's not something that can be easily explained with any crucial piece of evidence; rather it's the result of having all these years of experience and a habit handed down to me from my family for dogged pursuit in thinking about things until those things get fully figured out. And so by lunchtime I knew I was on to something, and by afternoon tea it was clear that everyone should know about the revelation that occurred to me.

    Also, this is a new revelation and deserves its own context for understanding. The previous revelations I've had (also about AGW being a scam) are still valid and valuable in their own right (as are my revelations that AGW is a bunch of faith-requiring hocus-pocus).

  2. Allow me to add, don't let the door slam you on teh butt on the way out!

    SoLong, Dr.Poucheri!

    I mean, we are up against this sort of ridiculous garbrage:



    I have an opossum for rent that willreally take down any of those perpetrators of global warmist crap, just send me an email. He is like, totally, ready.

  3. Last month I believed in manmade global warming. I trusted science.

    No argument as convincing as that of an apostate. That'll make them think twice.

  4. TheIPCCisaHoax3 March 2010 at 09:38

    EVERY SINGLE THING big biz & gov't supports is about making money. The IPCC is FAKE. It is just a LIE to increase TAXES and control our lives. There is no such PERSON as Rajendra Pachauri.

    "The theory that Rajendra Pachauri is chairman of the so-called IPCC is a massive, world-wide fraud." - Timmy Mallet Ph.D., former atmospheric lighting technician at NAAS (National Audiovisual Atmosphere Services).

    "Many scientists are quietly looking for a way to distance themselves from the whole Pachauri theory." - James Padding, BA (British airways), MA (Massachusetts), two-time winner of the Guardian prize crossword competition.

    "The Rajendra Pachauri count has gone DOWN since 1998." - Fred Zinger, Oregon Institute for Signs and Symbols

    "There were more Rajendra Pachauris in the middle ages" - Sum D. Nyah, BS (Bachelor of Skepticicism)

  5. Dr Inferno,

    Once again you have masterfully wielded your blowtorch of impeccable logic to illuminate the nails in the lid of the coffin of global warming. I salute you!

    Your decision to withdraw your support from Pachauri now makes his position untenable. He must resign forthwith.

    Blog Science Expert Reviewer
    70 posts to Blog Professorship

  6. Baron von Monckhofen5 March 2010 at 10:26

    Pachauri is such a bloody hypocrite! He claims to be worried about green-house gases, alright? But Pa-chu-chu-chu-chauri is a railroad engineer and we know that steam engines emit a lot of water vapour. A water vapour atom is 100 times as powerful as a carbon-dioxide atom!
    And what do they have in India, were he comes from? Rice paddies, and those release a lot of methane. And holy cows, which belch a lot of methane. And a methan atom is 100 times as powerful as a carbon-dioxide atom! Yes indeed, each sack of rice and each holy cow has more greenhouse effect than a whole street full of SUVs. Bloody Indians! Bloody Pachuri. They are just hellbent on destroying Western civilization. Remember that Gandhi said that it would be a good idea to destroy Western civilization, and he was Indian. And Sitting Bull! Holy cow, what hypocrisy!

  7. genetically modified organism5 March 2010 at 15:18

    Once again Dr Inferno is blazing the trail to the future of science, i.e., where it is completely Blog Science. The key word in the whole post is OPEN, as in, "an OPEN letter".

    Old science was all about the Hockey Stick Team getting together in their parents' basement and making up lies. (Why would FatAlGore not invite them to fly in his luxury personal jumbo jets to meet in his giant mansions?) Blog Science is all about being completely OPEN, which means completely accurate.

    Old science and its peer review depended on hiding and being "anonymous". Inferno shows how skeptics are the true Scientists with his OPEN letter with real truths using his real name out there on a Blog where everyone can see it. ClimateGate showed the warmists using the trick of hiding their slander of skeptics in private emails (or so they thought, ha-ha!). When is the last time you heard of private emails criticizing the warmists? Never. Except maybe from warmists lies. Or if they really deserved it.

    Whenever Pachauri gives up we will know Inferno did it, and the edifice of man-made global warming will have completely crumbled. Then the science will be OPEN!

  8. Who chose the hindoo Pachauri in the first place? Certainly not the American people! Wouldn't it be time that the IPCP chairman gets elected by the American people, so that the rest of the world can see what democracy really means?

    Therefore, my fellow blog scientists, I hereby announce my nomination for presidency of the ICCCP!

  9. Excellent news P.O.E.S.!

    I'm sure I speak for all here in offering full support in your candidacy.

    Might I also suggest that once enthroned, you offer V.P.-ships to Doctors Watts, McIntyre and Morner. And I'm certain that our own Dirk will have achieved full blog professorship within the likely timescale.

    Then at last we might see some real leadership on this whole AGW scam.

  10. Chek,

    Thanks for your encouragement re the Blog Professorship thing.

    Truth be told, I was beginning to think that 100 posts was too much work to attain this status, and was going to ask Inferno whether maybe 50 would be enough. I'm sure that "academic" Professors don't have to go through such a long proving period. Some of them have never even contributed to a Blog!

    But your message has inspired me to continue.

    Meanwhile, Pa-chu-chu-chu-chauri (thanks Baron!) seems determined to ignore the fact that he no longer has Inferno's support. In fact, the media seem to have let him off the hook - I can't find any recent references to Inferno's open letter. Come to think of it, I'm not sure I've seen it mentioned outside this blog. I sense a conspiracy.

    Blog Science Expert Reviewer
    69 posts to Blog Professorship

  11. You have my vote, P.O.E. Slaw and if you need a staffer to field lobbyists, please keep me in mind!

  12. It seems even formerly alarmofascist Steve Easter Brook is disowning the IPCC evildoers. He's a software guru and has uncovered how the lab-coated ones are subverting the climate models, and gloated about it to him on a dinner! That probably proved to be too much for even him!

    -Neomys F

  13. Thank you, my friends, for all your support! I thought long and hard about it (which was by no means easy), but I believe this would be my program, should I be elected to chairman of the IPPC:

    (1) to make the ICCP an organisation that bases its principles on the Bible, as we all know science can only true as far as it confirms the Word of God
    (2) to find alternatives ways of funding, in order to make it more independent from the politicians. We all know the UN is an organisation of leftish communists! I was thinking of having the IPCP sponsored by oil companies, as we all know oil companies are completely neutral in this matter and keep themselves far from politics
    (3) to open up the ICCCP to other views on science, and especially blog science. In particular, I was thinking of letting Inferno writing the next IPPPC report, with the added advantage that it would be much shorter as well
    (4) to make the organisation as a whole more professional. To achieve this, the chairman should get his own private jet, and all people who supported him should get a SUV. Furthermore, I was thinking of hiring a large number of representative 18-year old girls (or 16-year olds, if that is legal wherever the ICPC is), in order to increase the representativeness of the organisation as a whole.

    I think these are my most important points, but I realise that I wouldn't stand a chance should Professor Inferno himself decide to run for presidency...

  14. Off-topic but breaking news:

    It has been found that the Climategate data from CRU was not illegally cracked, but was, in fact, leaked by a whistle-blower after all!

    God Bless America!

    -- frank

  15. My Lords, Gentlemen, Ladies and Summer Flower,

    These are indeed grave times.

    The British Parliamentary committee has found that Jones and the CRU have, to all intents and purposes, "no case to answer".

    Need I remind us again of the heady stupor we collectively underwent when the whistleblower leaked those emails back in those halcyon November days before Copenhagen? That, I can stand. A whitewash was always a high probability.

    What I'm having difficulty coming to terms with was Dr. McinTyres submission to the said committee. This was to have been the moment, the culmination of years of undermining when a mighty tidal wave of unadjusted, raw, free data was to have swept Jones and Briffa and all their cronies away in an avalanche of truthiness.

    But instead, Prof. McinTyres acted with all the aplomb and assuredness of a toddler who has just the other day mastered cycling without stabilisers suddenly being plonked in the cockpit of an F-16 and told to take it away.

    I see Dr. (pending) McLean has gamely stepped up to the plate in the meantime, but - and forgive my bluntness - he seems to be tailor made to put the blithering in the phrase 'blithering idiot', judging by his performance defending his ocean heat paper at The Drum.

    AsI said before, dark days, dark days.
    I don't suppose a second bottle of scotch tonight will do any harm...

  16. chek,

    You echo my own thoughts. Just when it looked as though the whole eco-facist climate science edifice would come crashing down into a coffin of nails, something has thwarted its fall.

    We need valiant champions such as Inferno and P.O.E. Slaw to take up the flame of truth from the faltering grip of Dr./Prof. McinTyre and Dr. (pending) McLean.

    On an unrelated topic, you mention Summer Flower - she has been very quiet of late. I miss her insights, unburdened as they are by the corrupting influences of a scientific, or in fact any, education.

    Myself, I blame fluoridation for the spread of warming globism. Have you noticed how the warmists will drink fluoridated water without hesitation? Coincidence? I credit my own clarity of thought to the fact that I drink only rainwater and pure grain alcohol.

    Is it any surprise that the United Nations states that the number one priority in helping under-developed nations is to provide a source of clean water? It is just a short step from there to fluoridation.

    Blog Science Expert Reviewer
    68 posts to Blog Professorship

  17. chek, Dirk Hartog:

    Clearly, the UK needs a British equivalent of the Tea Party movement to restore the principles of the, um, constitution under which the nation was built, or something. A New Magna Carta movement?

    -- frank

  18. stepanovich,

    Sorry to break it to you, but you have been taken in by the Air Vent website. It is clearly a parody created by the warmists to make the realists look dumb. No real person would be as stupid as Jeff Id!

    You have to keep your wits about you when surfing the web. If used intelligently, the internet can be an unparalleled resource, e.g., I am about to become quite wealthy through contacts I met on the internet - just one more international banking hurdle to clear.

    In any case, "Jeff Id" is an amateur when correcting graphs. You can't have forgotten Inferno's masterpiece?

    Blog Science Expert Reviewer
    67 posts to Blog Professorship

  19. Dirk Hartog, I can assure you that Jeff Id is trustworthy. He has an authentic voice, and he's a maverick. No warmist can achieve that level of authenticity, ever.

    If his method looks "stupid", that's because he was merely asking a question, like every skeptic should do. And we know there's no such thing as a stupid question!

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