Saturday 15 September 2012

Ice Age Is Coming

Sea ice is quite topical at the moment. How is sea ice doing?

The Antarctic

Source: Cryosphere Today. University of Illinois

Reliable Antarctic sea ice data indicates that we will have another Catastrophic Ice Age this winter. So much for the proven myth of Global Warming [1]. It's now time to raise the alarm and inform your neighbors and work colleagues that Global Cooling is coming. If we act fast enough we can possibly make sure governments around the world do absolutely nothing.

The Arctic

In contrast nothing remarkable is happening in the Arctic. There's been some melting this summer but that's expected. Arctic Sea Ice melts all the time, it's perfectly normal. For example I remember when the Vikings surfaced a longboat at the North Pole in 1955 and fought a pitched battle with a 15th century Chinese Navy.

Lets start with what we DON'T know. Science is FULL of uncertainties. The uncertainty monster. Like most monsters, the uncertainty monster is a very reassuring thing to have around. To cut to the chase: we know absolutely nothing that could be used to increase taxes. So what DO we know?
  • Preventable Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (PCAGW) is a myth invented by a cabal of New World Order politicians plotting to achieve a communist utopia [1].
  • The world is in a steep Global Cooling trend and heading for another Ice Age this winter.
  • Arctic sea ice is fine. Thick and healthy and highly resistant to the imposition of taxes.
I took a brief look at the Arctic sea ice data and spotted a lot of downward trends had appeared in the data recently. That can only mean systematic fraud. So like any Blog Scientist I had to find something wrong with the data.

Arctic Ice Satellite Fraud Gate

Arctic Ice Satellite Fraud Gate is the catchy name I am giving to the latest scandal involving multiple instances of data manipulation at Cryosphere Today. For those of you who don't know, Cryosphere Today is a source of sea ice data which Alarmists use to claim the Arctic is melting and so cannot be trusted. If I can discredit Cryosphere Today it means the Arctic can't be melting.

Manipulation #1: The Stars Are Aligned

The scientists thought they were being clever when they added the stars to the image. They thought it would make people believe the data was from a real satellite and not concocted in the lab like the rest of their faked science [1]. But like all government IPCC scientists they tried to be too clever and made a mistake. You see unlike me, climate scientists have no knowledge of astrology refuse to work with professional astrologers [1].

This has further implications for climate "science". If the IPCC don't understand the movement of stars, how can they properly represent the strong starlight forcing in their climate models? If they've got the starlight forcing wrong it means that starlight can perhaps explain all of the warming of the 20th century. That is assuming there has been any warming in the 20th century (Phil Jones says no).

Manipulation #2: Arctic Sea Ice In The Red

We all know that Arctic sea ice is naturally a reflective white. So why do the satellite images on Cryosphere Today show that it's red or pink? Is it possible that IPCC scientists have deployed some sort of dye into the Arctic environment (the same environment they claim to want to protect) which turns the ice a red/pink color? This certainly fits with what I've read [1]. It seems there are only two options, either they admit their images are manipulated and the colors have been added in afterwards, or they admit they have sprayed the arctic red for some nefarious purpose.

Red and pink coloration of the ice in almost dye-like patterns. Hmm..

Why would they want to turn the ice red? I never pretend to have all the answers, only that I can obtain them within 24 hours. To this end I have been in deep discussions about this subject with several chemtrail experts and they assure me it would be possible, if not entirely expected, for the government to spray red dyes from jet planes flying over the Arctic ("Exactly where no-one is around to see them doing it", one expert told me). As for the motive, I am sure it's an attempt to melt the arctic to fit the IPCC's failed predictions. Everyone knows the color red is associated with heat (except when it's used to highlight the spot of interest in mineral promotions), so the dye is probably hot. If the Arctic does melt: just remember the scientists probably did it with their chemtrails and it wasn't CO2 and so taxes are unnecessary.

Manipulation #3: No Clouds

Having decided to poison the Arctic with red dyes and photo-shop fake stars into an image, it's perhaps not surprising that climate "scientists" would take the next step of entirely stripping all the clouds from satellite images. Okay sure, maybe the 14th of September was just a cloudless day you might say, but I audited a whole 3 months of Cryosphere Today images and saw not a single cloud. That's IMPOSSIBLE!

Climate scientists dislike clouds because clouds contradict their PCAGW myth [1]. If there are clouds then everything is fine [2]. The most likely explanation is that they are so used to deleting clouds from Climate Models that they deleted them from satellite images too without thinking.


The arctic is fine.

[1] See Climategate.
[2] See Lindzen.


  1. Maybe a little flaw in the deductions... the satellites are in Universe-al Time Constant [UTC] stationary position i.e. whilst the earth revolves under the camera, the stars are seen just fixed position as they should. Literature: Refer to Hipatia di Alejandria, the first to proof mathetically that the sun is not revolving around earth and neither are the satellites. We shoot them up whilst earth just spins away from under.


    1. The Earth's axis of rotation is through the poles so can't explain the change in position in the CT image. It must be the satellite moving, in which case the stars should have moved too.

      Although that said, Earth's polar axis of rotation has only been reliably observed during the last 30 years of accurate satellite measurements, which as any credible climate denier will tell is is a mere drop in the ocean of Earth's thousands of years climate history. It's far too short to draw any conclusions from. So we must admit that long ago as 1900 the Earth may have rotated top to bottom instead of left to right. Scientists just don't know and taxes should not be levied on the matter.

      As for climate models they have the Earth spinning at insane speeds due to unrealistic feedbacks. Gavin Schmidt himself has admitted that in a month of real time, 100-150 years passes in the model world ( So it's exactly like the movie Inception, except more unrealistic. In fact I suppose climate models must spin so fast that any innocent children and/or nuns passing by would be injured if they put their hands in (and climate scientists are supposedly fine with this!).

    2. Hmm that's got me thinking, someone should put in an FOIA request to obtain the number of Nuns and/or children harmed by climate models at these so-called "labs".

    3. Dr. Inferno, I think your thoughts on the position of stars are valuable to spot the fraudulent manipulations of so-called "scientists", but they are way too complicated to explain why climate models fail. The real problem is that alarmists treat the earth as being *flat*, or at best as slightly convex, as can be clearly seen in this figure here:

      Of course, they miss much of the light absorbed by a spherical planet, which always exposes the *same area* to the sun, seamlessly explaining why Trenberth misses so much heat.

  2. Do you really believe in that red paint story? I just wonder who is paying you to publish such crab. And dont tell me you you are one those whores who like what they are doing!

    1. It's a special DYE, not a paint.

    2. It actually may indeed be a paint good Dr, found this confession at SKS.

      Global Warming and Climate Change skepticism examined hours ago – The fate of Arctic sea ice has always captured attention. .... regards to Arctic sea ice extent in his efforts to paint the Arctic sea ice (censored)

      please correct post to read. paint, fire engine red

    3. More evidence Dr. found this, the Inuit have been employed by the fraudulent watermelons to paint the Arctic, google reveals the hoax

      Images for inuit painting the arctic - Report images

      just what is the extent of this Arctic hoax?


    4. Little fluffy Arctic baby seals have been found covered in red paint, fucking Inuit

  3. The ice age is always "coming". It never seems to arrive. Just like Jesus. But Jesus will return when he's good & ready. We have to take action to bring back the ice. Chemtrails are not just for poisoning the righteous enemies of godless communism. They can be used to cool the earth enough to counteract the heat trapping effects of dark objects, like black cats, Mennonite/Amish buggies, hipster clothing and solar panels - the real sources of temporary global heating, which is different from illusory "Global Warming".

    By putting whipped cream and asbestos fiber into aviation fuel, an actual white 'blanket' will be ejected during flight from the arse end of the plane, freezing on contact with the attenuated stratospheric atmosphere, and kept aloft by the high altitude winds, floating on the breeze like dandelion fluff - (a floating layer of dandelion seeds is Plan B).

    As for the stationary stars... It would seem the climate hoaxers never learned from their days in the Moon Hoax program. They didn't do the stars right the first time back in the '70s; i.e. they didn't do them at all! Now they're omitting clouds instead. Different hoax, same stupidity.

  4. Wonderful to read such nonsense as in this supposed detailed article.
    Fact 1 human population trippled in the last 50 years.
    Fact 2 45% of the worlds land mass is now used by humans for cities, roads or farms
    Fact 3 Humans have pumped many billions of tonnes of carbon into the atmosphere in the past 100 years directly from coal, oil and gas.
    Fact 4 Humans have cut down 65% of the forrest that existed 100 years ago (some say more)

    If you want to keep your head in the sand pit - welcome but it is time you stopped the stupid analysis and looked some obvious facts in the eye.

    The Japannese government is testing the northwest passage
    the chinese government is testing the northwest passage
    The major shipping lines are now using the northwest passage.
    BP has started drilling in the artic in this current summer
    the US government is scrambling to become a signatory to the "Law of the Sea" treaty.

    Are all these part of the consipricy movement?

    We have dumb and dumber - you fit into another category of simplicity. By the way business has already by passed your position and now have sea rise, global warming, increased storms and higher unceretainty of supply as key planning & budget conditions.

    Time to open your eyes.

    1. Well thank you Dr Anonymous for that emotionally charged outburst. Would you please submit evidence of your authority on this matter by referencing any blog science articles you have written or peer reviewed. I notice you conveniently ignore the star anomaly Dr.Inferno pointed out in the fraudulent 'satellite' images, and instead blindly push the usual AGW propaganda. Head in the sand indeed!

      Excellent work as usual Dr.Inferno.

  5. Dear doctor
    this george flopadopalous needs a much larger audience that only you well known blog science blog can reach, he lives next to the Hume highway in Yass NSW Australia, despite the 24 hour a day rumbling of the B double tucks he is still kept awake by those flaming bird mincers 35km away
    as posted at watching the deniers antiscience blog

    George Papadopoulos says:
    September 17, 2012 at 12:30 am
    In recent times I have been labelled a “liberal”, “coal miner”, “climate change denier” and similar – even a “Origin Energy” person.

    The cause for all these labels has been my opposition to wind turbines, not because I question climate change, or question the need for renewable energy sources, but because of the way which they create low frequency noise and occasionally create an unbearable humming vibrational sound, particularly at night time. I don’t live close to the them, but believe it or not 35km away. Predictably, I have no difficulty comprehending why people at close range complain so much about them.

    It is important that people stop looking for motiffs of conspiracy and instead look for motiffs of logic: few are against solar panels but a large minority, particularly in rural areas are against wind turbines. Ever guess why?

    1. It's a well-known fact that wind turbines pretend to be attached to concrete foundations during the day, but ramble around the countryside at night. They are particularly fond of stomping on puppies, so don't leave yours out.

  6. I'm stunned, stunned I say by these nefarious activities of CAGW alarmists. (I've been stunned so often I'm told I've now got brain damage.)

  7. AGW and ice albedo have nothing to do with it: wrmists are in denial about the blooming plankton abehind the meltdown .

    Capelin rush into the Arctic to feed on the things, hotly pursued by bigger fish, culminating in the hot-blooded tuna atop the food chain.

    As the bluefin buzz about scarfing down their unlimited calorie diet, they release prodigious amounts of metabolic heat, contributing to the underwater volcanic eruptions that cause the so- called albedo feedback loop by cooking entire schools of squid and releasing their ink into the water.

  8. Absolutely. And not only were the images manipulated, the recovery from the non-existent minimum has started earlier than in 2007, which must prove that its recovering. Further, I predict that the percentage rate of recovery will be higher than ever before, that 2013 will have a greater minimum ice extent than 2012 and that 2014 will see more multi-year ice that 2013, not that any of these things are really measurable or at least not if they are going the wrong way.

  9. It is a well known fact that the rice albedo effect created by increased CO2 creating increased rice yields globally will more than compensate for any supposed loss of ice in the Arctic.

    CO2 is plant food, especially rice food, and I wonder why no-one is bothering to point the satellites into Asia to see all the extra rice we are getting? God they must think we are dumb.

  10. An ice age, or more precisely, a glacial age, is a period of long-term reduction in the temperature of the Earth's surface and atmosphere, resulting in the presence or expansion of continental ice sheets, polar ice sheets and alpine glaciers. Within a long-term ice age, individual pulses of cold climate are termed "glacial periods" (or alternatively "glacials" or "glaciations" or colloquially as "ice age"), and intermittent warm periods are called "interglacials". Glaciologically, ice age implies the presence of extensive ice sheets in the northern and southern hemispheres. By this definition, we are still in the ice age that began 2.6 million years ago at the start of the Pleistocene epoch, because the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets still exist.


    1. What does all this have to do with the Viagra you're selling?

    2. Micheal and Steven are avid contributors to this blog. They also provide me with my medical supplies. Blog medicine is much more reliable than so-called "doctors".

  11. Geological evidence for ice ages comes in various forms, including rock scouring and scratching, glacial moraines, drumlins, valley cutting, and the deposition of till or tillites and glacial erratics. Successive glaciations tend to distort and erase the geological evidence, making it difficult to interpret. Furthermore, this evidence was difficult to date exactly; early theories assumed that the glacials were short compared to the long interglacials. The advent of sediment and ice cores revealed the true situation: glacials are long, interglacials short. It took some time for the current theory to be worked out, for more information click here.

    Best regards,

  12. You really need to add a dotted "expected future" line on your Antarctic graph, showing that the Ice Age will start within a few days of the last data point of that graph.

    (PS: Michael and Steven, do try to keep up with the spirit of the site - this is blog science, not the boring rigor-and-terminology stuff you're trying to push).

    1. If you click on Michael and Steven's links, you'll see their background is in human physiology (nudge nudge) and not in climate science, politicization, ideology and giant international conspiratorial hoaxes.

    2. Talking to the bots; do I feel sheepish.

  13. Who is selling the viagra? Since its going to get colder we may need more so we are not embarrassed.

  14. I totally agree with this post, it gives good advice. And hope that the problem of global warning will be solve. I just think about it and I suddenly feel fear for what might have happen to us when that time will come.

    1. I concur, this post is awesome and right to the point.

  15. yeah, the prpaganda site of cryosphere TODAY cannot know about AGES since AGE isn't a DAY! It's not the ice DAY we're interested and talking about, it's the ice AGE, that is coming and destroying those evil governements at Washingotn with their taxes.-

  16. I am not sure what I was entirely checking out but I have actually found out some new facts here thank you.

  17. How can you write something like this it was not the best blog on the topic and your opinions on the topic give this subject matter a bad name.

  18. Well researched I love it and the writing was done perfectly.

  19. Exactly how may you write something like this it was not the best blog on the topic and your opinions on the subject matter provide this subject matter a bad name.

  20. I am just appalled to hear about the latest deceptions being perpetrated by Cryosphere Today. How do they get away with this? Why are they still receiving trillions of dollars of public money when their work is so obviously biased in favour of the scaremongerer warmists, who want to destroy economic growth and make poor people poorer by raising taxes on the super-rich.

    Thank goodness that Dr Inferno is prepared to expose this pseudo-scientific fraud.

    I've been politely asking Cryosphere Today to publish their methods for calculating star positions on their images for the last 5 years. Of the 643,288 freedom of information requests that I have submitted, Cryosphere Today only responded to 627 (i.e. less than a 0.1% response rate) - clearly they have something to hide. I would guess that they used principal component analysis to calculate the positions of the stars, but they clearly completely messed it up. If they'd only chosen an arbitrary number of principal components in order to get the most reassuring result, then the arctic sea ice extent would be shown to be increasing in recent decades rather than declining.

    Anyway, global warming is obviously a sham - I checked the temperature in my back garden every hour between 6pm yesterday evening and 4am this morning. Far from showing a warming trend, the temperature actually showed a statistically significant decline (p < 0.0001). Extrapolating from these measurements, by my calculations, the Earth will have cooled to well below absolute zero by January 2013.

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