Monday 20 June 2011

CO2: Volcanoes or Man? - It's your choice, not theirs

Blog Science offers the public empowerment. No longer must we suffer years of "education" and be forced to bow down before peer appointed so-called "experts" as they cast down facts upon our heads.

No, those are the old ways. Thanks to the Internet and Blog Science you can now become a science expert in a day and start generating your own science from scratch. You have the potential to be a world famous blog scientist, we all do. You might choose to become a blog chemist, a blog psychic or perhaps a blog geologist. All you need is a blog and a time to write down whatever your brain is thinking on the subject.

And if you don't want to become an expert, Blog Science allows you to become a Blog Science commenter. You can even put this as BSc on your CV. Blog Science commenter is an important role that allows you cheer from the sidelines while boosting the impact rating of the Blog.

Furthermore as a commenter, Blog Science offers you a wide catalog of ideas about the world and lets you choose which one you want to believe. That means you can choose whatever ideas fit in best with your political or religious beliefs. If you want we can also provide you with justifications for your choices if you are later challenged by practitioners of the old ways.

For example I really want to believe human CO2 emissions are too small to matter, and I will find a way to justify that belief.

A warmist blog, tauntingly calling itself "Open Mind", has just attacked Dr Ian Plimer, the 2nd most famous climate scientist in all of Australia*. Dr Ian Plimer's crime? He has chosen to believe volcanoes emit more CO2 than man, as is his right. He has also given generously this gift to the public.

The warmists hate this kind of thing. They want everyone to follow the old ways. They want "geological societies" and "textbooks" to fix so-called "facts" in stone which must not be disobeyed by mere laypeople. They hate it when Blog Scientists offer their ideas in the press or on tour.

In a comment over at Open Mind, William Connolley, the stoat in a boat, thinks he has found a great argument against Plimer:
"That volcanoes aren’t a major source can fairly trivially be shown by just looking at the CO2 record. If Pinatubo was a major source, there would be a sharp jump up when it erupted. But there isn’t."

The words "can fairly trivially be shown" are a red flag. In Blog Science nothing is known with any degree of certainty because everything can be challenged.

For example I would say the reason there is no sharp spike in CO2 when Pinatubo erupted is because scientists have been measuring CO2 on the wrong volcano. They have been measuring CO2 levels on Mauna Loa volcano in Hawaii. This argument may or may not make sense, but it's confusing enough that it doesn't matter. In Blog Science justifying one's beliefs is as easy as making it sound like you have.

Furthermore as has been pointed out craploads of times, scientists shouldn't be measuring CO2 inside the craters of volcanoes full stop! Yet still those so-called "scientist" elites march up the volcano each day in their lab coats with their equipment under their arms and and dip their co2ometers into the crater. With each passing year they dip the co2ometers a little deeper down so each year it looks like the CO2 level is rising!

Of course what I have just said there may not be right - it probably isn't because it's just a story I made up - but it will sound like you know what you are talking about if you can go into details such as what Keeling ate for breakfast each morning. The use of imaginative stories to smear so-called "scientists" is encouraged in Blog Science. It adds entertainment as well as smear.

What's interesting about Blog Science is the freedom it gives you. The old ways demanded adherence to a thing called "consistency". Blog Science does not unnecessarily restrict you in such a way.

For example, it might tomorrow become expedient for me to accept rising CO2 is due to man. I might want, for example, to cite the merits of increasing levels of plant food to ward off the coming ice age. Or perhaps I just want to accuse warmists of using a strawman ("Of course I accept man is causing CO2 levels to rise. No-one denies that! What a strawman! The cause of CO2 rise is not the issue. What skeptics are questioning is whether CO2 rise has a warming effect!"). This doesn't mean I have to stop believing volcanoes emit more CO2 than man.

And that's the memo.

*High Admiral Lord Monckton, Child of the Mother of all Parliaments and Guardian of the Pink Portcullis, is the 1st most famous Climate Scientist in Australia of course.


  1. That is absollutely apppallling thos 'scientists' havnot measured the real Co2 emitting vocanoes at all! They even edit few of those out in the Manua Loa reccords!
    Re:astral student

  2. Endorphin Monkey21 June 2011 at 05:57

    Traditional science is like a gateway drug. Just like anyone who has ever tried marijuana invariably dies of a heroin overdose, an unhealthy interest in science draws the victim into logic, evidence-based analysis and (most tragically) left-wing reality. This crushes our optimism and initiative - and takes away from us the greatest freedom of all: the freedom to be free to be free...I guess. Inferno is right. Blog science is drenched in freedom. Sticky even.

    As for volcanoes, I have actually seen two of them during my lifetime - Vesuvius in Italy and the one in front of the Mirage Casino on the Las Vegas strip. This makes me a blog-expert on volcano-ology. I've decided that both of these volcanoes were emitting ginormous quantities of CO2 while I was looking at them, but I was unaffected by the life-giving but deadly gas as the wind was blowing away from me at those times.

    Kittens are Cute!

  3. So called climate scientists have missed that volcanoes are also very hot and one eruption obviously gives out billions and billions of times more heat than all that puny humans can possibly emit, thus disproving every aspect of climate change theory... We're not cooking yet so it is logically irrefutable that CO2 must actually cause a powerful cooling effect that counteracts the added volcanic heat. This was staring climate science in the face and yet they couldn't see it. No wonder blog science is truly the new post modern science.

  4. Very good comment, inferno.

    I don't understand how anybody could think that CO2 has any effect on the climate. Come on, it just accounts for 0,37% of the gases in our atmosphere. How could such a tiny portion has any effect, if 99,63% of the atmosphere is not CO2?????

    To believe in this, would be as insane, as to believe that a tiny portion of a substance in your food or water could kill you!!!111!

    Nobody would believe this, so why with CO2? My personal opinion is, that people believe it because a) they are brainwashed by pro-gay liberals or b) they are making money with it like all climate "scientist" who just tell us those lies to get grant-money!!!111!

    I for myself do therefore rely only on true information, as you can see for example on balanced tv stations like Fox News!!111! I mean those people are christian and remember: It is forbidden to them to lie. Those atheist "scientist" or liberals dont have those values. They lie as soon as their mouth opens!!!111!

  5. Volvanos are much bigger than Humans so it only makes sense that they should emit more Carbon Dioxide.

  6. All this talk of CO2 from volcanos does not worry me. After all, I do not live in a volcano so why should the CO2 there affect me?

  7. chek said...

    Warmists are scared of their own shadows. Imagine being so stupid as to believe plant food can kill us all.

    I'm far more concerned about long extinct dinosaurs emerging from volcanoes and rampaging around levelling our great cities as if they were cardboard. I remember seeing a documentary about it in the 1970's - I think it was the week after the one about the imminent ice age.

    So I'd recommend massive investment in more effective tanks and rocket barrages around every suspect volcano instead of investing in all this green technology nonsense. Unless of course they can make windmills large enough and sharp enough to dice any emerging threat of a dinosaur sized nature.

  8. Could everyone start referring to this gas using its proper scientific name: Plantfood.

  9. Of course warming causes rising CO2!

    Nobody in their right mind is going to be out there playing paintball in the dead of winter!

  10. Sir Humphrey Bumblebee24 June 2011 at 07:19

    The whole premise of this argument is nonsense. CO2 is supposedly a COLOURLESS and ODORLESS gas. I regularly have gas. And whilst it is mostly colourless I can assure you it is NOT odorless.
    A fact that Lady Bumblebee can attest to!

  11. Inferno, from intense study in the area of volcanoes I have made in the last few seconds I can explain why the CO2 did not show up in the Mauna Loa record.
    CO2 is measured in a volcano, Mauna Loa, showing that the old soul destroying freedom-less science is already wrong. When Pinatubu erupted naturally Mauna Loa went quiet at the same time. You could say the Earth was burping instead of farting at that moment. Once the eruption stopped Mauna Loa started producing CO2 again. Hence no increase in the dodgy record. Irrefutable proof, just like how Science should be.

    Hey Nick Palmer you do know that Pinatubu did cool the planet thereby proving that CO2 cools the Earth? I bestow upon you the "Utterly disprove GLOBAL WARMING ceremonial plate", as I have done to 1000's of other BSc's.

  12. Succinct explanation for all true deniers.

    Yes Freedom to Believe my own facts. Choice, that's what America is all about!

    And if I am accused of inconsistency when I disbelieve peer-reviewed 'climate science' and 'harm the planet' but stake my life on peer-reviewed medical science being reliable to preserve my own life then it's MY life MY Choice. Fuck you Paul Nurse for raping Mr Delingpole.

    Friend of the Delingpole

  13. I think a lot more on the problems that cars cause the atmosphere. Not to mention the industry!

  14. Quote:
    "And if you don't want to become an expert, Blog Science allows you to become a Blog Science commenter. You can even put this as BSc on your CV."

    Oh man, truly brilliant. I can't get a hold of myself, too funny.

    I am confident that I am (over) qualified for a BSc. Nevertheless, Watts Up With That, among the most prestigious Blog Science institutions in the world, doesn't offer a printed diploma in their online store. They only have AWESOME hockey-stick-smashing t-shirts, mugs, and bumper stickers, totally awesome. Still, I want to put a diploma on my wall at work so that people can envy my brainpower and ability to create theories on a website that can explain to the people of the world how my world works. I suppose I'll have to take charge and demand a diploma.

    Yo Tony! Watts up with that?

  15. Come to think of it, why doesn't this website (and pro-eminent Blog Science institution) grant BSc diplomas? It could be a source of revenue that could be put towards a good cause, like burning barrels of oil in town squares just to piss off the liberals (that would be SWEET).

  16. How about this one in NYT yesterday? Jeebus

  17. Finally "sceince" is also becoming democratic. Of course those elitist "sceintists" won't like it to give up their monopoly on "sceintific" "Truth", but who cares about them really? Now the Government should move funding (paid for by the tax payer) away from the universities, where they are only poisoning our childrens' minds with lies about evilution and "global" "warming". Instead, they should start funding established BSc's like myself and Prof. Inferno.

  18. RSS feed request to Before It's News

    Greetings staff at DenialDepot,

    My name is Ben Chasteen and I'm the Science editor at Before It's News Our site is a People Powered news platform with over 3,000,000 visits a month and growing fast.

    We would be honored if we could republish your blog RSS feed in our Science category. Our readers need to read what your DenialDepot blog has to say.

    Syndicating to Before It's News is a terrific way spread the word and grow your audience. Many other organizations are using Before It's News to do just that. We can have your feed up and running in 24 hours. I just need you to reply with your permission to do so. Please include the full name and email of the person who will be attached to the account, and let me know the name you want on the account (most people have their name or their blog name).

    You can also have any text and/or links you wish appended to the end or prepended to the beginning of each of your posts on Before It's News. Just email me the text and links that you want at the beginning and/or ending of each post. If you know html you can send me that. If not, just send me the text and a link to your site. It should be around 200 characters or less (not including links).

    You can, if you like, create a custom feed for Before It's News that includes multiple links back to your blog or web site. We only require that RSS feeds include full stories, not partial stories. We don't censor or edit work.

    Thank you,

    Ben Chasteen
    Editor, Before It's News

  19. I'm always wondering why the universe keeps creating spheres in every creation, been a supernova, galaxy, planet, star, an atom, etc. It is always a sphere, maybe we should pay attention to the sacred geometry that the ancient cultures use.

  20. The best way to prevent of CO2 increase is by stop people using their vehicles and stop all the mountains to erupt, but of course that's impossible. Well, I guess nature will find a way to stop this.

  21. Finally "sceince" is also becoming democratic. Of course those elitist "sceintists" won't like it to give up their monopoly on "sceintific" "Truth", but who cares about them really? Now the Government should move funding (paid for by the tax payer) away from the universities, where they are only poisoning our childrens' minds with lies about evilution and "global" "warming". Instead, they should start funding established BSc's like myself and Prof. Inferno.

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