Thursday 29 October 2009

Scientists admit the Sun is the only factor in climate - no need to raise taxes afterall!

A lone bird worries about the coming maunder minimum.

Breaking news from last year just in. Russian Scientists, known to be one of most credible types of scientist, have discovered that the Sun dominates the climate and published the following PDF to the Blog Review Process. As is typical with the Blog Review Process, it gets flagged through as a superb piece of science.

I was stunned and amazed to hear this news. To think we are privileged to live in 2009 AD, the most important year so far in climate science - the year in which a Russian scientist finally proved we don't need more taxes.

This is not merely a relatively unknown scientist publishing a PDF full of rehashed ideas. No this is a groundbreaking moment. Galileo and Einstein have finally been superseded. 

When I saw Figure 6 I literally spat coffee all over the keyboard I was so impressed. Lines all draw in parallel fashion with timelines and numbers. Very impressive. Concerns the amount of ice I believe. Ice has gone up since 2007 and the Sun has gone down. Cannot be a coincidence. Just cannot!

Not only does he put a final nail in the coffin of Alarmism, but he also sounds the alarm that we are descending into a catastrophic cold period.


  1. "A lone bird worries about the coming maunder minimum"

    In honor of that brave young high school girl who, on her blog, "Ponder the Maunder" single-handedly proved that all of climate science is a fraud meant to steal grant money from honest taxpayers so those so-called scientists can afford their ecstasy and LSD (what other explanation is there for their insane so-called "theories"?) ...

    Wouldn't a better caption be ... "A lone bird ponders the coming maunder minimum"?

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  2. Pondering cooling it is so 2008 though. It's now time to act like we are genuinely worried by it. Think of our poor wallets.

  3. "We stand unimpressed by "textbooks", "peer review journals" and so-called "facts". There are no facts, just dissenting opinion."

    Wow. Just...


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  4. Anonymous - I know, I'm overawed by both the mission that denialdepot is on and the effectiveness by which it achieving its aims!

    From the Russian Scientist in question: "Heated greenhouse gases, which become lighter as a result of expansion, ascend to the atmosphere only to give the absorbed heat away."

    It's all so damn obvious, yet those so-called climate 'models' don't even include this effect. No wonder they're so far off the truth.

  5. Inferno,
    When are you going to regale us with another "sidebar" feature? I loved the one on exponentials back in April...

    In the meantime, keep digging up those Russian scientists. As a WUWT commenter astutely asked,

    "For obvious reasons, the Russians research efforts [and their viewpoints] aren’t getting a whole lotta airplay. Question: is this Russia’s pre-Copenhagen position?"

    I think WUWT may be up for Best Science Blog AND Best Politics Blog this year. But don't worry Inferno, I'm voting for you.

  6. It is also impressive how this world famous Russian scientist was able to produce this wonderful work with only four references. Not like the bed-wetters who pad their reference lists to impress the IPCC wankers.

  7. Baron von Monckhofen30 October 2009 at 00:40

    Anonymous: It is also impressive how this world famous Russian scientist was able to produce this wonderful work with only four references.

    Of which two were his own. Which is only as is should be: why should he have to refer to a lot of disproved, refuted and outdated publication?

  8. Dr Inferno,

    I once again congratulate you on your exceedingly thoroughly nailing vis-a-vis the coffin of climate warmists! All that remains is to bury the coffin and hope that the warmists haven't seen Kill Bill Volume 2.

    The astonishing thing about your post is that you reveal that not only were the warmists wrong, they were 180 degrees (or is that radians? see McKitrick and Michaels) backwards. It is in fact global cooling that we need to be alarmed about.

    How are we going to prevent the rapidly approaching ice age? What can mere humans do to avoid this catastrophe? We could try emitting lots more CO2, but we know that this wouldn't have any effect on temperature, so that won't help.

    I have an idea: since the climate is primarily controlled by Galactic Cosmic Rays, maybe we could put lead shields in earth orbit! The lead would absorb the GCRs, which then wouldn't go on to form microscopic cloud condensation nuclei, which then wouldn't grow by factors of 10,000 to form real cloud condensation nuclei, which then wouldn't enhance the chance of low-level clouds forming, which would allow more sunlight in, and the Earth would warm up!

    We might have to raise taxes for a short time to pay for launching the shields into orbit...

    Blog Science Expert Reviewer


    2. Good post....thanks for sharing.. very useful for me i will bookmark this for my future needs. Thanks.

  9. Dirk I think you’re on to something there, but instead of putting expensive lead shields in space why not just pump the lead into the air? Surely a large hose ascending into the sky could be used to spread this natural compound throughout the atmosphere and allow us to geo-engineer our way out of the impending ice age.

    This solution would be quick and easy and allow us to get on with more important issues, like cutting taxes just in case we can’t pump the lead out fast enough.

    Better yet we could get all patriotic citizens to help by encouraging them to buy leaded petrol again! Come to think of it, has anyone considered that all this global cooling could have been caused by the enviro-communist’s suppression of leaded petrol in the first place?

  10. Guys - (and anyone else) Hollywood has already prepped us for this, and now it's been confirmed by a Russian space scientist.

    Those Russians really know about stuff. Let me tell you, there's more integrity in a borscht sandwich than in even the best Mac burger.

    So in a neat about-turn after staging the moon landings on a disused lot in San Bernadino, we just need to fling a Manhattan sized lump or two of fissile material (or perhaps even Manhattan itself?) into the sun.

    The movie 'Sunshine' covered all teh technical details needed, in what I'm pretty damn sure was an insider's way of leaking the necessary info out from under NASA's nose. Which isn't a particularly pleasant image, but you get my drift.

  11. Good news! Monckton to appear on Glenn Beck today (Fri 30 Oct). Between your site, Inferno, and HRH Monckton, we'll keep the climate alarmists from taking over the UN, who are trying to steal US sovereignty!

  12. Horatio,

    Brilliant idea with the lead pumping! Once again we demonstrate the potential of blog science.

    Your suggestion that the removal of lead from gasoline might have been an enviro-communist plot is an interesting one. This raises the very real possibility that the whole global warming fiasco has resulted from tree-hugging anarcho-communist enviro-jihadists. The fingerprints of Al Gore and his Hockey Team are all over this one.

    Blog Science Expert Reviewer
    91 posts to go till Blog Professorship

  13. Sledgehammer for the truth2 November 2009 at 10:50

    Baron von Monckhofen said...

    "Of which two were his own. Which is only as is should be: why should he have to refer to a lot of disproved, refuted and outdated publication?"

    Right on Baron. Viz, the following ref:

    Abdussamatov H.I. On the decrease of the flow of solar radiation and a decrease in the global temperature of the Earth to the state of deep temperature drop in the middle of the 21st Century // Proceedings of KrAO, 2007, Vol. 103, № 4, p. 292 - 298.

    The state of DEEP TEMPERATURE DROP folks. That one should change the course of science as we know it, if it hasn't already.

  14. Sledgehammer for the truth2 November 2009 at 10:59

    "When I saw Figure 6 I literally spat coffee all over the keyboard I was so impressed."

    Yes, Fig. 6 is impressive for sure, but how about that Figure 5!!! A gorgeous depiction of the frozen River Thames in relation to the sun wiggles. And it is obvious for all to see that those people out on the river are SUFFERING bigtime! Looks to me like somebody could use a little global warming.

  15. I thort Rushions were commies. Im confused now. Arnt we against commies?

  16. His Lordship Monckton on "Savage Nation" after that coward Al baby refused to talk to him.

    I didn´t realise that Monckton was an eminent scientist! He certainly seems to know a lot about solar maximums and optimums so I guess that does make him the World´s Leading Expert on CC. He even pointed out that we have been experiencing 7 and 1/2 years of global cooling and that we can expext a new ice age around 2050.

  17. Summer Flower wrote:
    I thort Rushions were commies. Im confused now. Arnt we against commies?

    We certainly are SF, you can bet your bottom, untaxed, non-socialist dollar on that score.

    I think the confusion arises because the Russkies used to be commies, but then a wall in Berlin fell over and then they weren't.

    But when they realised they had been, they became so anti-commie that they make a pansy Chigago Democrat look socialist. It's been in all the media and Fox.

    Any Prince Monckton video can fill you in on the details when he isn't explaining peer science. Although don't sit too close to the screen.
    Or have any fresh milk in the room.

  18. If you want the FULL story on the Global Warming hoax, a new series has recently begun on the new David Horowitz blogspot:

  19. Professor Squareroot16 November 2009 at 10:39


    This young lady is indeed worthy of all our praise, such ability to ponder being extremely rare and exclusively reserved to blog scientists like ourselves.

    We need more ruminators like her who can put on their thinking caps, contemplate and cogitate the finer points of climate science while mulling over the bigger issues. Otherwise there is a risk of being sidetracked and led up the garden path by red herrings. Pondering does take time to master, mind, and anyone considering looking into it should reflect fully on weighing up all the pros and cons, while bearing in mind that there is much to puzzle over.

    This is what sets us apart from the pipe-dreaming smart-alex warmists who have shown themselves incapable of elevating their minds past brooding, daydreaming and building castles in the air. The noble art of pondering is, if truth be told, far beyond their ken.

    And with that I shall leave you to perpend, fellow learned ones.

  20. I think the Alarmists never find their russian beauty, like in the last diagram in the blog post.

    Greenies are like teh gays, they can't reproduce, because they hate babies, so they have to convert.


  21. Really it is surprising and amazing news! Have this confirmed by the other countries scientists also?
    Science Expert

  22. HAHAHA yea is the only that dont have to pau taxes is a nice joke cause is truth sadly .

  23. David Ickey-Hickey says:

    Have you checked out the absolutely BRILLIANT debunking of the global warming scam by this BRAVE seeker of wisdom on the foremost astrology forum on the internet?Cites all the well-known unjustly persecuted (just like Galileo!!!!) cutting edge scientists who fight the lone battle against the evil warmist hordes.I quiver in awe at his sheer BRILLIANCE (excuse me, I need to go take a cold shower)

  24. Sun goes hotter and I dont really like it.

  25. Interesting ºbecause I didn't know those facts that Russian Scientists told to the world, that's perfect because now I have more knowledge and something else to share with my friends.

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  29. Baron von Monckhofen said...

    "Of which two were his own. Which is only as is should be: why should he have to refer to a lot of disproved, refuted and outdated publication?"

    Right on Baron. Viz, the following ref:

    Abdussamatov H.I. On the decrease of the flow of solar radiation and a decrease in the global temperature of the Earth to the state of deep temperature drop in the middle of the 21st Century // Proceedings of KrAO, 2007, Vol. 103, № 4, p. 292 - 298.

    The state of DEEP TEMPERATURE DROP folks. That one should change the course of science as we know it, if it hasn't already.
    gw2 gold
