Tuesday, 14 April 2009

If Global Warming is true, why are there still snowstorms?

Dear readers,

As I am sure you are already aware, certain locations have recently seen snow. Here's a photo of some snow to set the scene. This is similar to what some people have encountered:

The sheep who follow the manmade global warming fraud will not realize the obvious problem this photo presents. But us skeptics sure do. The obvious question,

If Global Warming is true, why are there still snowstorms?

Not a peep from so-called climate "scientists" about this by the way. How odd you might say...

Well not to us seasoned Skeptics. If Blog Science teaches you one thing (which you won't find in any "course" or "textbook" by the way) it's to use your common sense above everything else. In science quite often you can guess the answer to most of questions just by applying common sense based on real world knowledge.

Lets try it now. Why are the so-called experts silent about all the snow that is everywhere?

Well it's most likely because they are all shut indoors all day with their climate models. That's right, they are so busy playing Climate Tron that they haven't the foggiest idea what is going on outside anymore. They don't see the REAL world that REAL people like you and me see (I cut a tree down this afternoon with an axe..it was cold then too)

So next time some liberal at work or at the grocery store yells that we will all die from Global Warming. Ask them:

If Global Warming is true, why are there still snowstorms?

And wait for the crickets. Perhaps show them some photos of snow too to put the point home.

Filed under: Global Cooling, Holes in Global Warming


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  7. Yes, if the world was as warm as they say there was, why is it getting colder in the southern hemisphere right now? A few months ago Australia was experiencing "record temperatures", but it's got colder ever since, and there will soon be snow in the mountains. The warmists conveniently leave out this information in their scare campaigns.

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  9. And thank goodness for the shining beacon of scientific rigour that is 'WhatsUpWithThat', which brings us news of the recovery in springtime Arctic ice, at an all-time high for every April 16th in the (7 year) record.


    Explain that alarmists!

    So much more significant than the all time low in the same data for January 1st 2009 ...

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  10. OMG!
    I've been such a pillock
    I recant all my ravings about AGW, I'll now go & buy some snow shoes and a pair of skis.
    I'll also send my fellow delluded colleagues, James Hansen & Foster Grant, sorry, Grant Foster (Still thinking Hot & Sunny) a couple of wooly jumpers each.

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  11. Sure there's snow now, but this might be the last snow we see. It's disappearing at the poles and if it's not there, why would you expect it to be anywhere else?

  12. Forget snow, why is it so cold in Florida - still getting cold fronts in mid april and froze all winter, yes we have had great winters the last 5. I also remember orange groves north of the bif lake and all the way to Orlando - not after the great freezes of the early 80's, of course since it was cold they said it was an Ice Age coming - its just something us fishermen down here scream at the weatherman - look out the damn window.

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  13. I agree: this is yet another nail in the coffin of the global warmists. They're toast. Er, well, cold toast (the worst kind). Why, we had a lot of snow at our house this winter. It even froze. I just wish the government would stop listening to these global warmists.

  14. Thank God that citizen scientists are getting the truth out. That picture of snow is exactly the sort of hard evidence that the alarmists don't want us to know about. Where I live they even clear it away during the night.

  15. All of your nonsense has been addressed here in my How to talk to a climate sceptic guide.

    Why don't you try taking on some real blog science? Or are you just a light-weight?

  16. O my gad! These people are so unreasonable!

  17. I've always thought that the weather was what was going on outside my window and that climate was the weather likely to be going on outside my window.

    I can't tell you what will be the high temp in New Orleans on July 4th (the weather) but I can say it is likely to be hot and humid (the climate.)

    One day's weather doesn't say anything one way or another about an area's climate.

  18. "coby said...

    All of your nonsense has been addressed here in my How to talk to a climate sceptic guide.

    Why don't you try taking on some real blog science? Or are you just a light-weight?
    24 April 2009 14:59 "

    This is so amazing! I only found this site tonight, from a link here http://illconsidered.blogspot.com/2006/02/volcanos-emit-more-co2.html via another link, somewhere. Blow me but coby is still in denial ( or doesn't have a window to look out of). Love it, and the American who seems to think this site some kind of "joke".


  19. Crickets, eh? You mean the scientiffic community hasn't personally contacted you with an answer from your blog?

    I'l be sure to have them apologize immediately.

    In the meantime, here's an answer to your question why are there still freak snowstorms when the earth is warming?

    Smaller weather patterns can easily cause cold snaps and freakish snowfall on a warming planet. The warming has been happening gradually over time and is nothing we would observe year-to-year. Very few scientists even debate this point! The question is more about whether the warming trend was man-made, or naturally caused.

    And the bad news for all of you who like to bury your heads in the sand and say it's not happening?

    Global warming doesn't need your permission or your acknowledgement to destroy our planet.

    Maybe not in our lifetime, maybe not in our childrens' lifetimes, but it will be ruinous for our earth. And the squabbling people who deny it will be dismissed in history with the same zealots who insisted the earth was flat.

  20. Are you people complete idiots?! Snowstorms support that global warming is true. Just so you know, I am a junior at a top university, majoring in biology and know what I'm talking about. Ok, so snowtorms mean its getting colder/staying the same, right? Wrong! Did you folks ever hear of the hydrolic cycle? I'll keep this short. Warm air evaporates water more quickly sending it into the atmosphere. When this water gets trapped in the thick layers of smog and CFCs, it builds up and precipitates as snow, usually in larger amounts. So basically, the warmer it gets, the more snowfall....common sense....oh and by the way, I am conservative, not liberal. (FUBO)

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  21. In reply to the comment above.

    Warm air evaporating water more quickly which then falls as snow? Uhh, no. It can't snow if the air is warm. The air has to be cold enough for it to snow, otherwise it will just fall as rain. So again, the earth is getting cooler, not warmer. You can't twist science to fit your man-made GW model.

    Every single follower of this new "faith" does exactly the same thing. As far as they're concerned, man is responsible, despite the fact that no proof exists. They absolutely refuse to consider the voices of half the scientific community (not surprising seeing as they are consistently hounded and silenced, or their words u-turned by the media). This has become a religion because it is based on faith, not proof. It is not science. Anyone who speaks out against it is branded a heretic, ridiculed and in some cases harassed and physically beaten up. It is the dark ages all over again.

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  22. And another thing... biology? Try changing your subject to something more meteorological next time you claim to be an authority on the weather.

  23. The ability to distinguish trends from complex random events is one of the traits that separates humans from the rest of the animal kingdom. It is also the basis of all science; detecting patterns, distinguishing between signal and noise, and the means by which the laws of physics, chemistry and biology are determined. Now we are being asked to commit ourselves to the wilful stupidity of extrapolating a long-term trend from a single event.

    This blog would have us return to the days in which the future course of human affairs could be predicted by solar eclipses and the appearance of comets.

    Yes, right now it is colder than usual in some parts of the northern hemisphere, and warmer than usual in others. Alaska and northern Canada are 5-10C warmer than the average for this time of year, so are North Africa and the Mediterranean. The cold and the warmth could be related: the contrasting temperatures appear to be connected to blocks of high pressure preventing air flow between the land and the sea.
    This is called weather, and, believe it or not, it is not always predictable and it changes quite often. It is not the same as climate, and single events are not the same as trends. Is this really so hard to understand?

  24. David, when you parrot, verbatim, whole paragraphs of text from another source (The Guardian) it's common decency to acknowledge this.


    By the way, all of you that actually believe that cold spells of weather actually disprove the long term global warming trends are idiots.

  25. As the earth heats, it allows more water to be evaporated from the oceans, resulting in precipitation, like rain—and yes, hailstorms and snow too.

  26. nope. But the arctic ice being at normal levels at both polls combined with the questionable temperature data and poor ethics of the scientist who provide it does. The alarm bells have been ringing because the arctic ice had been at low levels. Now they have recovered to normal levels some have tried to submit this as proof of AGW.

    The growth of the ice that is one to two years old is proof that the trend has reversed as well. Otherwise the level ice growth would be negative and according to NSIDC it isn't.

  27. well I think that global warming is not only reflected on the increase of the temperature, it has many consequences. The global warming affects the equilibrium of the earth and that's why there are still snowstorms

  28. This blog would have us return to the days in which the future course of human affairs could be predicted by solar eclipses and the appearance of comets.

  29. i was wondering this to but as an avid believer of science, one must understand just because something gets warmer doesn't mean everything will uniformly change in one direction. just because there's snow in april in canada which surprises me doesn't mean this one fact disproves global warming. besides global warming, in lehman terms, makes weather more extreme. colder winters and warmer summers not everything turns into summer

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