Over the weekend NASA's University of East Anglia has alleged hackers have "stolen and released" a bunch of scientist's emails.
However what makes me deeply suspicious is the complete lack of correspondence with Al Gore in these released emails. Where are all the emails showing Al Gore's involvement? Even more bizarrely there is no plotting and planning on how to raise taxes. I don't see any mention of the socialist new world order that these scientists are trying to bring about. Not once do they talk about how to best achieve wealth redistribution or world government.
So I have to conclude this this email release is a big con. It has all the hallmarks of a deliberate leak to make these scientists look better and to try and silence skeptics who question their motives. If we are to believe the emails, the scientists don't actually think their work is in error! But we know they must realize it's all a big con, so how can these emails possibly be true?
I was expecting something like this:
From: "Michael Mann"
To: "James Hansen"
CC: "Al Gore", &WorldGovernmentDistributionList
Subject: A good idea!
Date: Mon, 21 October 2008 09:15:31
Hail Comrade,
October temperature release draws near. How about you just reuse the Sept 2008 temperatures? I figure that way it will make it the warmest October on record!
Al says this will be an excellent move for his stock portfolio.
btw I don't know what to do with all that grant money coming through my door, it is starting to fill up my front hall. I bought 5 more Ferrari's and a yacht, but it isn't reducing it much.
In Stalin,
That is the kind of thing I was expecting to find. Blog science and the Heartland Institute have provided plenty of discussion to lead me to believe the above kind of emails should exist.
But all I could find was some BS email in which they talked about OctoberGate as if it was just some error in russian data. They even had the tenacity to add in a note that skeptics wouldn't believe it was just an error. A likely story! It's clear to me that the emails are fake.
-hattip to Baron von Monckhofen who in the previous post's comments suggested what the emails could have contained
Do not despair! It's my understanding that not all of the emails have been released yet. They are undoubtedly holding back the best for last, and that is where you find the messages to Gore, about the New World Order, and references to the Ferraris beloved by warmist scientists.
ReplyDeleteDon't underestimate the AGW maffia by assuming they would be so stupid to put all their secret correspondence on a university computer. I think this is nothing more than bait. I'm sure their true plans are discussed in a much more secretive network. The fact that their are no such emails in this supposed "leak" is PROOF that such a network exists.
ReplyDeleteDr. Inferno,
ReplyDeleteI am quite sure that these emails are completely false. Just look at the clear parallels between this case and the New Worldist Obama conspiracy.
1. Someone asks a perfectly legitimate question:
"Is the black Obama an American citizen?" or
"Are climate scientists part of an anti-American conspiracy to destroy our Christian republic?"
2. The 'powers that be' flatly refuse to address the question or provide the correct answers; therefore, intelligent blog theorists come up with the most logical answer though it is unsubstantiated: "No, the black Obama is not an American citizen because black people come from Africa." or "Yes, climate scientists have a vested interest in taking away all private capital and placing it in the hands of government, which will then use it to fund science."
3. After the blog answers circulate for a bit and everyone realizes how logical and intuitive they are, the powers that be have to address the question. Since they can't tell the truth (which is, of course, the logical though unsubstantiated answer devised by blog researchers) they put out a cover story: "Yes, Obama's father was African, but he is an American citizen." or "Science doesn't care about politics, all scientists are naturally altruistic super-geniuses that care nothing for petty matters like money."
4. Of course the problem is that these false answer make much less sense than the truth (as declared by the blog researchers) and no one takes them seriously. Therefore they take the next step to substantiate their absurdity, like issuing that patently photoshoped "Certificate of Live Birth" (not the original, long-form, birth certificate) to show that Obama is an American or these fake emails that suggest that scientisits are not at the forefront of the global Marxist conpiracy to enslave America.
If this parallel continues, next will come active oppression like that being faced by the heroic attorney Orly Taitz today. (She is being actively persecuted by a corrupt Marxist court that is demanding that she pay $20,000 for trying to stand up to the Stalinist dictator Obama on behalf of brave American soldiers.)
Please don't fall for this nonsense. These are fake emails meant to substantiate the patently absurd suggestion that scientists are not Marxist social engineers working to steal the food out of the mouths of hard working Americans.
Yours in Christ,
Prof. Malvolio
Gail said...
ReplyDeleteDo not despair! It's my understanding that not all of the emails have been released yet. They are undoubtedly holding back the best for last, and that is where you find the messages to Gore...
Actually Gail, I already emailed Algore (in all caps to get his attention) to tell him we've already got them.
Of course I'm bluffing, but he doesn't know that.
Dr. Inferno,
ReplyDeleteI strongly disagree.
I have analyzed the e-mails using the same letter-skipping algorithms pioneered in The Bible Code. The name "Al Gore" is mentioned more than 679 times and "communist world government" appears 37 time. Five times, "communist world government" intersects Gore's name.
Clearly, these e-mails are in fact real. I will run more searches soon.
"...they put out a cover story: "Yes, Obama's father was African, but he is an American citizen."
ReplyDeleteCorrect, Prof. Malvolio. As further evidence of the appallingly long-standing nature of this entrenched conspiracy, let us not forget the two bogus birth announcements placed in two Hawaii newspapers, decades ago, for the socialist muslin who now illegitimately occupies the WHITE House, having stolen the election, somehow.
Even back then they knew that this NoBama was going to win the election, and so they prepared, by placing these birth notices.
So diabolical! It isn't easy to fight such powerful forces of evil.
I salute you, Dr. Inferno!
These are merely some the crumbs they throw at us, like we are dogs. They think "it will keep 'em busy for a while chasing a red herring, while we continue our final push for world domination".
ReplyDeleteDon't be fooled by this. It's a scam, plain and simple, just like everything else.
Kudos to Dr Inferno (again) for giving voice to a nagging concern I have been having. That other commenters here agree with the posting thus confirms that my feelings are facts.
ReplyDeleteOf course wherever there is something in the documents that sounds like it reveals part of the nefarious warmist coup scheme I am excitedly thinking is a smoking gun. But truly revealing the unfiltered writings of the socialist environazis should be a mushroom cloud (like nuclear explosion type, not like the drug-addled hippie type, or at least not only the dirty hippie type).
These emails and documents only offer hints of the huge conspiracy, thus it is comparable to a research article that says something like that there is "uncertainty in climate sensitivity to increasing CO2". We all know that would be simply parroting the Team Science party line, just with a sprinkling of vagueness in effort to try to sound reasonable, i.e., like Blog Science. Real truth would only be an article that declares there is "no climate sensitivity to increasing CO2" because there is no greenhouse effect, the greenhouse effect is saturated, CO2 makes up so little of the atmosphere, or whatever.
Since this leak is not incriminating enough it must not be real. The claim there is more that is not released is just a tease to keep Blog Science distracted hoping for really good stuff. I bet they want us to keep demanding full release so they can finally put out more faked information that makes the conspirators look even better. Probably right at the beginning of the Copenhagen (more like CopenTAKING your tax money) conference.
Fear not fellow freedom fighters!
ReplyDeleteI have seen the hacked but unreleased emails. The best is yet to come!
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arch stanton
Im a bit dispoited to here there not reel tho i did say myself they cdnt be cuz there was no sex in them. we now these peeple are fakists like theyv made up the hole warming thing cuz everybody nows the truth is its cold. its neerly december here in england dont now what munth it is in uther places but its neerly december here wich is cold wich proovs my point also its been very wet here and peeple have got drownd in the rain is that warming i dont think so.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, their trick may be working. Looks like NASA inserted a few accusations of outright fraud -- except instead of auditing questionable team science, the fake emails seek to smear and unfairly impugn the integrity of respectible scientists Douglass, Christy, Pearsona, and Singer, and their perfectly plausible carefully done work. Very sneaky way to get the smear out there.
ReplyDeleteAll one has to do is look at Ferrari sales vs. sales of Algore's book. I've graphed this, and there is strong correlation. Ferrari sales skyrocketed with a 12 year lag time after books sales. Conclusive proof of the warmist support of the New World Order.
ReplyDeleteWit's End: "...let us not forget the two bogus birth announcements placed in two Hawaii newspapers..."
ReplyDeleteIndeed, that was a masterful stroke of subterfuge. It is amazing how effective those false announcements were. Most people have only seen them online, where anything can be faked, and we have only a few people that claim to have seen them on microfiche, but that is easy to fake as well. I think most reasonable people should have discarded this until someone produced the original 1961 print edition of the papers AND been willing to have these papers chemically dated to confirm that they were not fakes. After that they should have offered to fly any interested investigator to Hawaii for a couple of weeks to review the original, long form newspapers on original 1961 paper. Until they do this, I think it is stupid to assume that those birth announcements really exist. There are many blog theorists that agree, just visit Free Republic.
Fighting to Life (Co2),
Prof. Malvolio
Hello, good Doctor Inferno!
ReplyDeleteI found out there are plenty of people walking about in the mornings too. Now, some of those I know are on the right side. They say they take it as an exericse! Aniway, I have no way of knowing all the people I saw this morngin when I tried that (walk to work). No good observing can be done this way, all too much happening around. Aniwey, I met with an old freind who was inthe process of trying to sell studded tires for the upcoming hard winter. Said he has proper ones for himself alredi, an he was offering thosa very chiep. He was eager to sell those fast to anione with a good attitude, 85percent off the normmal retail price! Said he needed the money. I said the tyres looked very good when he showed them to me in one yard in an open garage, but that I dint need those since I alreafy have a perfeclti good set. Sorry for htis Commercial, but I think he showed the kind of attitude we need to uptip the economy. ANd don't forget the hard winteres ahaed!
Yours, Astral student.
"the two bogus birth announcements placed in two Hawaii newspapers"
ReplyDeletethey measure co2 in Hawaii. Blog science doesn't believe in coincidences.
And Al Gore visited Hawaii in October 2004!!!!! We are getting to the heart of the conspiracy now!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAl Gore visited Hawaii. Al Gore invented the Internets. Internets --} Surfing --} Hawaii.
ReplyDeleteps Does anyone here have hacking skills? I have a plan.
Benito said:
ReplyDeleteps Does anyone here have hacking skills? I have a plan.
Hell yes!
I was able to hack that five sided building in DC and lay a breadcrumbs trail back to some hapless stooge named Gary McKibbley(?) or something from Ingland.
And the pope recently beatified somebody from Hawaii! And as we all know, the pope is really the antichrist! Boy, now we're on to something...
ReplyDeleteA sinisterly sly move on the part of the evil warmists! What perfect timing! These eco-Nazis distract us with "tricks" and "hiding" so they can instigate the Global Communist Government at the Copenhagen meeting without us noticing.
ReplyDeleteFortunately, Denial Depot is here to expose their evil plans.
peer review (science) + internet (Al Gore) --> peer to peer networks (piracy)
ReplyDeleteI rest my case.
I think we should all listen draganstein's suggestion and use the Bible Code technique to find the truth that is hidden in these alleged faked emails. You see, this whole thing is like an onion, with layers within layers. First it seems real, then when you scratch a bit it seems fake, but if you scratch a bit more you can find pieces of real information behind the fake. And so on ad infinitum.
ReplyDeleteLatine loqui coactus sum!
My friends,
ReplyDeleteI believe this evil scheme has roots that go deeper than we ever had believed. It is worse than the worst nightmare, when you toss around and wake up screaming, your bed all wet... The warmists let somebody "hack" their "mail server". But the server and the emails are all fake, and give the impression of only some minor transgressions, thus trying to discredit those that have discovered what the warmists are really up to.
But inside the mails are hidden messages, which can be found if one can only see beyond the narrow-minded idea that the letters in a text are supposed to be read in exactly the order they appear. These messages contain hidden commands to the minions of the Gore-Hansen-Mann-Briffa-Jones cabal, speaking about nameless blasphemies and atrocities to be performed in the service of their bat-winged climate gods, such as arranging barbecues near meterological stations. But it is even worse, because among these unspeakably evil messages, there are more fake messages and lies hidden, like POLAR BEARS DROWN and WARMEST DECADE ON RECORD. In this evil way, they try to infiltrate the brains of those who are on their track, and turn them into mindless Gore-worshiping drones to use as slaves on their Datjas.
I have much more to tell, but I think somebody is watching my window (a man with large bulging eyes), so I should go back to pretending I'm working.
Latine loqui coactus sum!
Somebody toss me some Ativan, I'm about to pop a damn freaking artery here.
Hadleygate - the biggest geography scandal of the century
ReplyDeleteSubmitted by Freiherr von Mo... on Wed, 2009-11-25 13:47.
Open letter to Lorne Gunter (in fact, he received his copy by email):
I think you confuse the Hadley Met Office in Exeter, Devon (operated by the British government) with the CRU of the University of East Anglia in Norwich (operated by errr...you'll figure it out), and Hadley as part of Telford (half way up to Brenchley). All three are not only completely unrelated but it is quite a drive between them.
I wonder whether you are in for a libel suit by the British government. Or they get you for plagiarising your own work on two consecutive days.
You just created the geography scandal of the century, "Hadleygate", but it may only be a conspiracy. You can verify this by looking at their respective websites - do they really exist? Check their addresses but make sure Google Earth is not controlled by world socialism/the Friends of Science/the Teletubbies. Or simply click here:
So, where are your leading sirens of the alarmist community located? Quite a drive required to find out!
Lorne, keep up your fine, heroic struggle with reality! And your rigorous, investigative journalism.
Freiherr Baron von Monckhausen
Meanwhile, icebergs are moving to New Zealand: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/8379690.stm
ReplyDeleteNow, how can icebergs move to New Zealand if it is getting warmer? OF COURSE THEY CAN'T! THEY WOULD MELT ON THEIR WAY! wE ONLY NEED TO READ TEH SIGNS, MY FRIENDS!
Sledgehammer for the truth said...
I know you never get much in the way of direct replies SFTT, but I for one often find your straightforward common sense very useful.
When in a tight spot debating nauseating warmists, I often find myself thinking 'what would sledgehammer say at this point?' and inspiration comes.
It works every time.
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ReplyDeleteMany scientific applications now (including IT field) have not basic theory. Many peoples waste time to disseminate baseless theories.
Of all the conspiracy theory threads, the most likely is that CRU collected the eMails in a place before removing them from servers likely to s FOIA'd. That place, being a FTP drive, was accessible to the person who posted the eMails. This does not exclude the whistleblower theory.
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