Saturday 30 June 2012

The Double Recovery of Arctic Sea Ice

Just two months ago we learned that Arctic Sea Ice Is Normal For The First Time In At Least Seven Years

Now we are told that Arctic Sea Ice is the lowest on record for the time of year.

Just what is going on?
Lets ignore what the so-called "scientists" say and look instead to the wealth of knowledge Blog Science has built up about Arctic sea ice over the years:

Watt's Law: A record low in Arctic ice is a sign that a Recovery has begun. Such an event occurred in summer 2007.

Goddard's Law: If arctic sea ice reaches normal levels it is clear proof that a recovery is in progress.

The Monckton Conjecture: Arctic ice extent is just fine: steady for a decade.

So we can see that normal levels of ice in April means that The Recovery since 2007 is progressing well. The more recent record low is a sign that a new recovery has begun (watt's law). So we now have two Arctic sea ice recoveries running in parallel and amplifying each other through solar magneto-reluctance. This is very inconvenient for IPCC alarmists and their communist handlers.

Arctic sea ice will now recover double fast. It may even melt out completely in a coming summer and thus initiate a third recovery which will be the final nail in the coffin of man-made global warming.


  1. Might I add a few more nuggets of wisdom; the product of years of meticulous research by the sceptic community.

    Watts second law: If it doesn't recover then its the result of a natural cycle.

    The Heartland Hypothesis: If it melts then that will be good for humanity (except perhaps for winter sports enthusiasts).

    1. To be fair, the Heatland Hypothesis can be supplemented by the Panglossian Paradigm: the difficulty of winter sports in the face of a reduced winter results in strong, faster, more agile winter sportsters. ANYONE can skate on ice, but to skate on mud? THAT takes talent!

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  2. The world was covered with 3km thick ice sheets and yet it melted out. Are these bozos at the IPCC trying to tell us that the dinosaurs all rode around in SUVs to melt that ice?

    1. Actually dorlomin, I don't think they are trying to say that. Something to do with the fact that the dinosaurs sort of, kind of, got wiped out by an asteroid 40 million years before thoe ice sheets formed.

    2. That would have to be one mean asteroid. But sitting at my desk, I find it hard to imagine how one asteroid could hunt down and splatter every single dinosaur on the planet. No, it doesn't make sense to me, so I'll have to simply chalk up one more instance where scientists have made up crap.

      And I'll bet you that dead dinosaurs mean higher taxes for everyone.

    3. Is this "/sarc" or are you really that stupid? Inquiring minds want to know.

    4. I think the phrase "sitting at my desk" sorta gives it away/

    5. Hey, if you want funny then go to Watts and you can laugh along with all the other comedians there. This site is for serious citizen science. As for the idea that one can determine the answer to any question without leaving one's chair: well if it was good enough for Aristotle then its good enough for citizen scientists.

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  3. At last, someone else with the logical thought patterns of the great perfessers Watts and Goddard.

    It's soooo obvious: if it's cold the ice wont melt if it's it's not cold (remember, it can't be warm) then the ice is recovering ergo (good word that) ice can't melt, ergo all this talk (hell, call it evidence until you're blue in the face - cos it can't be happening) is those damn socialists again with their hair shirts, caves, tie dyed tops, teepees and bloody treading lightly on the earth watermelon greenie claptrap! Oh, and less of the insults from you damned idiot warmistas!

  4. Endorphin Monkey30 June 2012 at 19:25

    There's nothing to worry about. On most graphs with a bunch of dots, there's usually a blob or streak of dots in the middle, and then someone puts a line through the blob and claims it explains something. It never really does. On these graphs, there's usually an extra dot way off in the corner, and that's an "outlier", and that's what this year is on this graph.

    The problem is that the slobbering malevolent creatures at the IPCC don't believe outliers exist and often use graphs that have outliers making up 70% or more of their data points. They put a line though these outliers and say things are warming up, without waiting another year for the data point that continues the original proper trend. Revolting!

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    1. This article gives the light in which we can observe the reality. This is very nice one and gives indepth information. Thanks for this nice article.

  5. AGW not proven.
    I read it on Facebook.
    So there.

  6. I hate the way you shamelessly misprepresent the position of famous blog scientists. Of course they recognise that arctic sea ice is vanishing, and you have just set up a straw man to make fun of them.

    What they do believe very strongly is that the melting (if it really is happening) has nothing to do with the warming (which may not exist), which in turn has nothing to do with CO2, or at least not the CO2 that gets there because we put it there (and it may turn out that volcanoes actually put it there), and of course, the melting (if it exists) will be beneficial to us.

    So get off the public purse and do some real science!

    1. We do not misrepresent the position of famous blog scientists (thank you btw for recognising the proper academic prominence of the fat weatherman et al.). We use the exact same techniques but with bravery rather than with cowardly inhibitions clearly intended to make things more palatable to wavering warmists.

      But as for your point on climate science: absolutely, what has ice melting got to do with warming! When the ice in my gin and tonic is melting, my gin is not getting any hotter and it may, indeed, be getting cooler! We therefore have empirical proof that warming and melting are not, in any way, connected.

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  7. Replies
    1. Endorphin Monkey3 July 2012 at 09:06

      The linked graph is truly inspired. If I ever open a fake English pub in a suburban American strip mall, I'll name it for the good Viscount!

  8. I can't wait till when the Antarctica ice sheet starts recovering. That will put the final millionth nail in the coffin of CAGW!

  9. I'd like to point out that is an surface area graph, this obviously means the ice has sunk to the bottom of the ocean. Beware the cold locations it resurfaces once the cosmic rays diminish again!

    1. Anonymous, I like the way you take after our esteemed host. Yours is indeed a 'dissenting opinion' you do 'dare the impossible and find imaginative ways to believe something else entirely.'.

      So, it's those 'scientists' who tell us that when ice disappears it (stupid as it seems now thanks to your enlightenment) 'melts'. What nonsense! These 'scientists' need to think out of the box a bit!! It's, when you think about it rather than let librul ideas befuddle and brainwash, pretty obvious that at least some ice must be sinking in the spring only to return, refreshed if little thin looking, in the Autumn. A kind of ice migration - like Anthony does each year to the Heartland Conference. Why else would the deep oceans be so cold eh? Answer me that smart ar*ed scientist!

  10. .......and what about the Hansen Conundrum......For every mm of sea ice formed there is a corresponding two mm of sea ice melt.

    1. That's really not a problem though, as water expands when it freezes.

  11. We should all remember that the word 'melt' is obviously a warmist word intended to create images of disaster in the mind on the unwary. In reality all that is happening is that water is being released: and as water is what plants drink this automatically means better harvests.

    1. "Carbon dioxide is plant food. Water is what plants drink." Thanks I was trying to complete that. Oh well off to Congress to testify. Or the House, whichever offers a better lunch.

  12. We have to most keep in mind that the RS Goldterm 'melt' is undoubtedly some sort of warmist phrase that will make photos connected with disaster from the thoughts on the unwary. The truth is all of that is going on is water will be Runescape Goldproduced: and as drinking water is exactly what plant life drink this specific immediately signifies superior bounty.

  13. To be fair, the Heatland Hypothesis can be supplemented by the Panglossian Paradigm: the difficulty of winter sports in the face of a reduced winter results in strong, faster, more agile winter sportsters. ANYONE can skate on ice, but to skate on mud? THAT takes talent!

  14. The linked graph is truly inspired. If I ever open a fake English pub in a suburban American strip mall, I'll name it for the good Viscount!

    1. Endorphin Monkey25 July 2012 at 06:36

      Hey! I already said that! and no, I don't want to rent a bouncy castle...

  15. The recovery has spread to Greenland! AGW is dead!

  16. Now that the Arctic ice is back to normal I wonder if our esteemed host might turn his intellect to explaining to us mere mortals the latest great leap forward by perfesser Watts? I think summer 2012 might be looked back upon as the time when final nails 10271 and 10272 were hammered into the coffin.

  17. Yes, perfesser Watts has made recent great strides in blog-science, showing the great power of how ignoring inconvenient corrections in getting the right answer! Fall et al. was a very flawed paper, because it was actually published in a dead-tree lame-stream journal, and because it got the wrong answer. Fortunately, Watts learned from his involvement in that paper, and therefore was able to make huge improvements on all counts in his more recent blog-work, Watts 2012.


  18. Remember the Trenberth trantemporalsupposition--i.e., the warmth hidden deep within the ice is waiting to emerge like the Phoenix to devour humanity.

  19. For us AGW True Belivers our views have being outside of the present and are not even related to the past but in fact arise from the mystical "the One" which in this time and our perspective in the Western world is CO2 which has powers that meer humans and their puny science are incapable of understading unitl the power of the One is fully actualized in the future as foretold by the 10 Yamal of global warming and Most Secret Order of the Hockey Stick that shall forever point to salvation on toward the backside of the comet Hale-Bopp where resides Heaven's Gate. Verily and please pass the ice.

  20. It is about time to create some "inconvenience" for the IPCC alarmists, they can't always just pick their battles, and act conveniently

    1. Yes! We should attack them using bafflingly ambiguous comments that leave them wondering WTF does that mean?

  21. Wow - will you look at all that recovery potential! More than any other year since satellites were launched!


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  23. It's soooo obvious: if it's cold the ice wont melt if it's it's not cold (remember, it can't be warm) then the ice is recovering ergo (good word that) ice can't melt, ergo all this talk (hell, call it evidence until you're blue in the face - cos it can't be happening) is those damn socialists again with their hair shirts, caves, tie dyed tops, teepees and bloody treading HtTP:// lightly on the earth watermelon greenie claptrap! Oh, and less nbA jeRsEYs of the insults from you damned idiot warmistas!

  24. Galileo was a Denier.

    Oh dear, you couldn't have picked a much more incorrect example if your tried! Galileo was a scientist who was persecuted by deniers, and is usually considered the "father of the modern scientific method" that you are railing against...

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  32. I can't wait till when the Antarctica ice sheet starts recovering.

  33. Ice and the antarctica, that is one story which will always be here

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  37. Wow, would be great if the arctic sea ice recovered!

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  40. According to noted climatologist, Bill Maher, that ice melts in the presence of heat is *just a theory*...;)

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  42. At least one good message in a few years! Hope we can stabalize it and will bring the arctic back to what it belongs

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