Saturday 10 July 2010

Arctic Ice Continues it's Recovery

Arctic sea ice point blank refuses to melt. Continues to Defy alarmists. Maunder minimum ice recovery confirmed. Ice age imminent? I won't commit to an answer, but yes it definitely is.

Up is Down

Comrades, it has come to my attention that certain cowardly, possibly treasonous, elements in our ranks are questioning whether denial of Arctic sea ice decline is a viable strategy. They have suggested that the recent questionably sharp decline in JAXA arctic sea ice extent is consistent with the so-called alarmist "longterm decline" in arctic sea ice and has therefore put us in a corner. They further suggest that if we rely on The Recovery of arctic sea ice and The Recovery does not in fact happen we will be defeated.

I would like to make it absolutely clear that our strategy of insinuating a Recovery is strong. Claims to the contrary undermine our efforts and provide fodder to the enemy and as such are treasonous and will not be tolerated. Violators will be shipped to the Climate Depot where they will be publicly flogged.

Be aware that The Recovery is merely a forward offensive against the enemy. Our rear is well protected by three lines of defense. At the outer line of defense we deny the arctic ice is in fact in decline. If we must we can fall back to the middle line, that the decline although happening is nevertheless not caused by man. And finally if all else fails we can fall back and hold the final line - that a decline in arctic sea ice is a Good Thing.

Arctic Sea Ice Is Not In Decline

It is hard to deny that Arctic Sea Ice is in longterm decline. But we find ways to do it anyway. We must hold the line. I see far too many young deniers taking flight at the first sight of an enemy graph. Noone ever said denial was going to be easy. In times of doubt repeat to yourself the following Wise Words:

The ice isn't melting. The ice is recovering. It's healthier than ever. The arctic is jam packed with thick, multi-month, healthy looking, well fed ice. It's possibly so thick that it's affecting satellite readings which are confusing the thickening ice with a decline in extent.

When faced with enemy graphs, remember that if extent is dropping then clearly we are looking at the wrong metric. Perhaps we should look at volume instead, unless that is dropping too, in which case we should look at area. If all that fails take a look at extent again because it might have gone up again in the meantime. If not then we should look to regional ice trends or if push comes to shove abandon the arctic entirely and talk about Antarctica instead. This is not cherrypicking because we know there is a recovery it is only a matter of finding a metric that shows it.

The Arctic Sea Ice Decline Is Not Caused By Man

Now is not the time to fall back to this line of defense, but rest assured that it exists. If the time comes we can fall back to this second line of defense, waiting patiently to advance back to the first line of defense at the first sign of the promised Recovery. The first step to denying a decline is caused by man is to suggest other reasons. Could it be wind, the aurora borealis, earthquakes or mystical natural cycles? If that fails and it becomes apparent that the decline is due to rising temperature we can claim the temperature rise is due to the Sun or cosmic rays.

A Decline In Arctic Sea Ice Is A Good Thing
An ice beast posturing in a typically threatening manner

Ice is man's second worst enemy after taxes. Ice is fanatically cold to the touch and walked upon by fearsome beasts. It obstructs the economy by haphazardly getting in the way of oil extraction and shipping. Neither is ice unfamiliar with human tragedy. In 1912 a rogue iceberg in the mid Atlantic was ultimately responsible for the suffering of audiences around the world to one of the worst movies ever made. Noone in their right mind should care ice disappears. It would be a good thing if humans were melting arctic sea ice. If God wanted ice why did he invent the Sun? The real reason alarmists don't want the ice to disappear is probably because they are part of a secret ice worshiping cult.


  1. For at least six months in the past year ice cover in the arctic advanced relentlessly. Who's to say it won't happen again? But that does not matter...

    The whole problem of ice declines or advances will be rendered irrelevant when the next ice age comes, and, as predicted by blog science, it is due any time... [looks at watch]! Where I live, today is a bit cooler than yesterday, and that could be (is) the beginning of a long-term frosty trend.

    Soon enough, we will be gripped by the new ice age. People will abandon hope! Small children will run crying from the remorseless ice sheets emanating from the poles, crushing everything in their path, including solar panels, wind turbines and Priuses.

    Arctic and Antarctic creatures will mutate into humungous versions of their current selves. And I, for one, welcome our new Penguin overlords.

  2. You forgot about the volcanoes! If there is an undersea volcano in the Northern hemishpere, that that must be causing the melting. If there is no known undersea volcano erupting then it must be undiscovered ones.

    My spreadsheet, which I update every day, shows a smaller decline that those graphs drawn by those "scientists" so they are definitely being alarmist about this.

  3. I don't understand all this fuss about ice. If I put water in my fridge, it freezes in no time. Surely we can do the same with the ocean if we wanted to? But why would we want that? If God would have wanted us to like cold, he would have created us with better insulation, I would say.

  4. ScaredOfTechnology11 July 2010 at 05:53

    fridges are unnatural devices anyway. Noone understands how they work, those so-called "scientists" are playing god with malign forces they can't comprehend!

  5. Well said Mr Slaw.

    Instead of driving society back to the stone age, surely a far better solution is for everyone to own a freezer and make their own ice anyway.

    The projected savings in transporting ice from polar regions alone, never mind the savings in avoiding death and injury in fighting polar bears, penguins and walrae over it surely make such a goal worthwhile.

  6. Hello good doctor Inferno!
    I've been working for a couple of days on a theory that would prove the temperature record measured on the surface of the earth is skewed. One of the insidious implications of this would be that most of the thermometer readers don't probably realise that the readings are skewed. I could post some of the details to You, if You could check it for obvious errors, AS I think it doesn't have any possibility of being published in the liberally controlled 'main stream science' journals. I'm quitely excited about this as this could prove the conspiracy to be smaller, restricted to some of the industries and the meteorologists. It involves vortices and chemistry, so it's quite advenced for me. I'm not sure how correct it is, as I'm not an expert on grass and the twirls it produces, so I would prefer You to check it first. I've some references and picture ideas for the article, but the propr inclusion of these in the article is a bit doctoral stuff and I'd prefer if somebody else did it corretcly.
    Yours, Astral Student.

  7. Astral Student, your advanced theory could mesh with mine, which factors in the homeopathic effects of plutonium, in altering or retarding climate changes. The effects are beyond mere "science" and it may take 30,40 or 100,000,000 years before mere "scientists" catch up with the reality of the plutonic dimension.

    Peter Taylor and Babaji the discarnate guru:)

  8. I have more ice than ever in my freezer!

    Yuba Yollabolly

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  10. "I've been working for a couple of days on a theory that would prove the temperature record measured on the surface of the earth is skewed. One of the insidious implications of this would be that most of the thermometer readers don't probably realise that the readings are skewed. I could post some of the details to You, if You could check it for obvious errors"

    I don't see any errors, also generally you don't need to your own ideas for errors - it's the alarmists who have to spot the errors not us. Try to put in enough errors so that they can't hope to spot all of them.

  11. Some of you might have noticed an advertisement has been posted above. Is it spam or does it contribute to the debate? I am so open minded that I won't delete it.

  12. Nope - the Muppets thing just looks like normal, harmless capitalism to me.

    I do however get some weird sparkly moire patterns on the penguinette's head using IE8 and an nVidia graphic card at max res. though, Dr.
    Is that a subliminal ad?
    Because that's potentially disturbing.

  13. "Some of you might have noticed an advertisement has been posted above. Is it spam or does it contribute to the debate? I am so open minded that I won't delete it."

    It's spam? I thought it was the latest science masterpiece from Stephen Goddard!

  14. Sledgehammer for the whatever26 July 2010 at 08:09

    I'd just like to mention, in case it escaped notice, that that there's one helluva big ass ice cube in that picture. Don't these guys ever look at pictures? Would probably help 'em chill out if they did...

    Anyway, on the topic of recovery: having examined numerous ice-containing beverages close up, (I'm well on my way to permanent sobriety--working on step five now--thanks for asking), I think I know more than a little about recovery, and that ice looks fully recovered to me.

    Incidentally, the word verification for this post was "binge" but I mostly don't believe in omens and anti-science crap like that.

  15. The photo of the penguin is proof that any decline is not by man. Obviously, migrating penguins transport ice back to the Antarctic. The proof is indisputable. At the same time the Arctic ice is declining, Antarctic ice is reclining (or one of those words that means get big).

    BTW. I have a theory that the penguins transport the ice using coconuts collected as they swarm through the Caribbean. I need a grant to study said behavior on some well traveled island paradise.

  16. dhogaza's comment is most apt - I think it is time that you invited Goddard ("The Ice Professor") to come on over and tell it as it really is... he is DA MAN for all things icy, and can count pixels better than my ma.

    Alternatively, follow the Brazil Butt Lift link in the previous post (which I presume is a consequence of Antarctic ice spreading dangerously close to the equator?)

  17. founded by Coretta Scott King after her husband’s assassination in 1968. In addition to serving as a living memorial to Dr. King, the King Center also helps promote his philosophy of using nonviolent methods to address social problems and economic inequality.

    1. I have a theory that the penguins transport the ice using coconuts collected as they swarm through the Caribbean. I need a grant to study said behavior on some well traveled island paradise.

  18. the contrary undermine our efforts and provide fodder to the enemy and as such are treasonous and will not be tolerated. Violators will be shipped to the Climate Depot where they will be publicly flogged.

  19. h the so-called alarmist "longterm decline" in arctic sea ice and has therefore put us in a corner. They further suggest that if we rely on The Recovery of arctic sea ice and The Recovery does not in fact happen we will be defeated.

  20. n addition to serving as a living memorial to Dr. King, the King Center also helps promote his philosophy of using nonviolent methods to address social problems and economic inequality.

  21. he arctic ice is in fact in decline. If we must we can fall back to the middle line, that the decline although happening is nevertheless not caused by man. And finally if all else fails we can fall back and hold the final line - that

  22. I have a theory that the penguins transport the ice using coconuts collected as they swarm through the Caribbean. I need a grant to study said behavior on some well traveled island paradise.

  23. the contrary undermine our efforts and provide fodder to the enemy and as such are treasonous and will not be tolerated. Violators will be shipped to the Climate Depot where they will be publicly flogged.

  24. uts collected as they swarm through the Caribbean. I need a grant to study said behavior on some well travel

  25. The Recovery does not in fact happen we will be defeated.

  26. the contrary undermine our efforts and provide fodder to the enemy and as such are treasonous and will not be tolerated. Violators will be shipped to the Climate Depot where they will be publicly flogged.

  27. I could post some of the details to You, if You could check it for obvious errors, AS I think it doesn't have any possibility of being published in the liberally controlled 'main stream science' journals. I'm quitely excited about this as this could prove the conspiracy to be smaller, restricted to some of the industries and the meteorologists. It involves vortices and chemistry, so it's quite advenced for me.

  28. Christmas dinner à la Jew. For many, Christmas Eve is a time to sing carols, attend church, and kiss under the mistletoe. But staff writer Leanna B. Ehrlich celebrated Christmas with family and friends at Chef Chow's House of Chinese Cuisine.

  29. You, if You could check it for obvious errors, AS I think it doesn't have any possibility of being publishe

  30. I have a theory that the penguins transport the ice using coconuts collected as they swarm through the Caribbean. I need a grant to study said behavior on some well traveled island paradise.

  31. the contrary undermine our efforts and provide fodder to the enemy and as such are treasonous and will not be tolerated. Violators will be shipped to the Climate Depot where they will be publicly flogged.

  32. I have a theory that the penguins transport the ice using coconuts collected as they swarm through the Caribbean. I need a grant to study said behavior on some well traveled island paradise.

  33. The photo of the penguin is proof that any decline is not by man. Obviously, migrating penguins transport ice back to the Antarctic. The proof is indisputable. At the same time the Arctic ice is declining, Antarctic ice is reclining (or one of those words that means get big).

  34. the contrary undermine our efforts and provide fodder to the enemy and as such are treasonous and will not be tolerated. Violators will be shipped to the Climate Depot where they will be publicly flogged.

  35. Christmas dinner à la Jew. For many, Christmas Eve is a time to sing carols, attend church, and kiss under the mistletoe. But staff writer Leanna B. Ehrlich celebrated Christmas with family and friends at Chef Chow's House of Chinese Cuisine.

  36. I have a theory that the penguins transport the ice using coconuts collected as they swarm through the Caribbean. I need a grant to study said behavior on some well traveled island paradise.

  37. The projected savings in transporting ice from polar regions alone, never mind the savings in avoiding death and injury in fighting polar bears, penguins and walrae over it surely make such a goal worthwhile

  38. I could post some of the details to You, if You could check it for obvious errors, AS I think it doesn't have any possibility of being published in the liberally controlled 'main stream science' journals. I'm quitely excited about this as this could prove the conspiracy to be smaller, restricted to some of the industries and the meteorologists. It involves vortices and chemistry, so it's quite advenced for me.

  39. I have a theory that the penguins transport the ice using coconuts collected as they swarm through the Caribbean. I need a grant to study said behavior on some well traveled island

  40. provide fodder to the enemy and as such are treasonous and will not be tolerated. Violators will be shipped to the Climate

  41. I need a grant to study said behavior on some well traveled island paradise.

  42. Its nice to see that there is a recovery. I would see tons of posts on yahoo news about the ice melting and it sounded very scary for a moment.

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  46. You really made quite a few valid points here. Thank you.

  47. I could post some of the details to You, if You could check it for obvious errors, AS I think it doesn't have any possibility of being published in the liberally controlled 'main stream science' journals. I'm quitely excited about this as this could prove the conspiracy to be smaller, restricted to some of the industries and the meteorologists. It involves vortices and chemistry, so it's quite advenced for me.

  48. our efforts and provide fodder to the enemy and as such are treasonous and will not be tolerated. Violators will be shipped to the Climate Depot where they will be publicly flogged. leumi

  49. great article thanks poster.

  50. The blog is really informative and i like to share it with my friends. Got a lot of information from this post. Please give us some more news. Thanks for your post in fact it is an excellent post.

  51. Its nice to see that there is a recovery. I would see tons of posts on yahoo news about the ice melting and it sounded very scary for a moment.

  52. I have a theory that the penguins transport the ice using coconuts collected as they swarm through the Caribbean. I need a grant to study said behavior on some well traveled island paradise.

  53. Its nice to see that there is a recovery. I would see tons of posts on yahoo news about the ice melting and it sounded very scary for a moment.

  54. provide fodder to the enemy and as such are treasonous and will not be tolerated. Violators will be shipped to the Climate

  55. Anyway, on the topic of recovery: having examined numerous ice-containing beverages close up, (I'm well on my way to permanent sobriety--working on step five now--thanks for asking), I think I know more than a little about recovery, and that ice looks fully recovered to me.

  56. the contrary undermine our efforts and provide fodder to the enemy and as such are treasonous and will not be tolerated. Violators will be shipped to the Climate Depot where they will be publicly flogged.

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